

What is chat?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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12y ago

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A chat is a talk between two people online. There are various chatting application on the web. GTalk or Hangouts is the chatting application of Google.

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When was Chat Chat created?

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Google chat is called talk and if friends only. So if you have the person on your friends list you can chat with them.If you are on or (which has talk enabled) then you can chat with anyone on or kut who has talk enabled. In order to chat with someone you have to invite them to chat with you. And it is a private chat between you and them but if you want to have other people join you in the same chat it will do a group chat.

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Urban Chat is an online chat website. Urban Chat is part of Urban Dictionary. There is also an Urban Chat Facebook page.

If you have quick chat in runescape can you use free chat?

Not if you are on a Quick Chat world, that means it is strictly quick chat only, other worlds will have quick chat and you can use free chat as well.

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How do you chat on manga high?

You have to do the chat quest. But thats only how to unlock chat im not sure how you actiouly chat