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Q: What is chloropropane isomers structure?
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How many isomers for C2H4Cl2?

only two structural isomers are possible, 1-chloropropane and 2-chloropropane

What molecules are identical in chemical composition but differ in structure?

hydrocarbons, they are called isomers

How many isomers for C5H11OH and their structure?


What is the isomers for HNNH?

It has no other isomers, only one structure is possible, H-N=N-H

Where can you find information about isomers?

Information about isomers can be found in all chemistry text books. Isomers are compounds which have the same molecular layout but have a different structure.

What is conformational its something to do with isomers in chemistry but do know what?

It's the structure/shape - the arrangement of atoms in space. Isomers have different conformations..

Can molecular formula be used to show difference between isomers?

Nope.... isomers differ only in their structure not in their molecular formula

What are compuonds withe the same cheimcial formule but different structure?

structural isomers: Such as glucose and fructose. Both chemical names of C6H1206, but structurally they are built differently.

What are the molecules that share the same chemical composition but differ in molecular structure?


What has the same numbers of atoms per molecule but differ in structure?

Structural isomers.

Can molecules with molecular formulas c4h10 and c4h10o be isomers of one another Why or why not?

No, because the second formula contains an oxygen atom and the first formula does not. Structural isomers must have the same numbers of all types of atoms.

Do sugar isomers have a different formula but form the same structure?

No. An isomer has the same formula but a different structure in some way.