

What is climate near water?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Moderates the temperates

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Q: What is climate near water?
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How does oceans influence climate?

Places that are located near the warm water currents will have a warmer climate than places that are near the cold water currents. if this is for FLVS it is 100% positive it is right

What is the marine type of climate?

the climate that areas situated near a body of water or mainly near the sea expirience. Usually associated with moderate temperatures.

What is the climate near a cold water current?

The climate near currents of warm water are a little warmer than others. This is because the warm water warms the air through the convection currents that the heat takes.

Are there any bodies of water located near the Sahara desert?

Because in a desert there is never really been water near its climate so possibly there is never water.

How does the ocean affect the costal climate?

The ocean affect the coastal climate because water takes longer to heat and to cool than the land does and thus the climate of places that are near the ocean are moderated by the water.

Water is cooler near the poles and warmer near the equator Movement of cooler and warmer water from these regions moderates the global climate what describes the movement of water?

ocean currents

What climate do Canada Geese need?

they need a body of water near them for part of their shelter.

Is there a wet climate near the equator?

your a wet climate near the equator

What describes the way a large body of water such as an ocean influences climate?

Water has high heat capacity, which means that it takes more energy to heat water. In areas near large bodies of water, the water is able to absorb and release heat, thus stabilizing the weather, and influencing the climate.

A large body of water affects the climate by keeping places near it?

A large body of water affects the climate by keeping surrounding areas warmer in the winter. Conversely, the climate would also be cooler in the summer.

What type of environment does a otter live in?

wet and humid climate. Probably near areas of water stagination.

Where do hippohippos live?

Hippos live all over Africa, usually near water, or in a swampy climate.