

What is color can see at night?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The color gold.

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Q: What is color can see at night?
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Is the grass still green at night?

At night, yes. In the dark, no. Color is just what we see, the amount of light reflecting off of an object. without light color does not exist.

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No, dogs see in black and white, most animals(those that hunt at night) can't see colors.

What is the predominant color in the starry night painting?

Click link below and see for yourself!

Can people see different colors?

no you can not see colors at night because color is the eyes perception of refracted light

Do owls see in color?

Yes. They can actually see in more vibrant colors then humans can.

How well do zebras see at night?

Zebra's are known to have pretty good acquired night vision along with other senses, yet their nocturnal vision is not as good as that of its many predators.

What color car has the most accidents?

Silver and White. People sometimes blend it in with the enviornment. And black because you can not see it at night.

What color are coyotes eyes at night?

Um... I am pretty sure they are the same color they are in the light. But lots of nucturnal animals have a special part of their eye that helps them see better, and if you point a flashlight at it at night, the seem to glow bright green.

What color rhymes with delight?

the color of the night Answer Midnight.

Why can you see clouds at night?

When the sun gives off light, the light is reflected off the surface of the planets and the moon, the color of the planet depends on which colors it absorbs and gives off, like the moon absorbs all colors except that greyish color, the grayish color is reflected back into space and when the light gets to earth, we see the color, and see the moon. This is the same for all planets and such. We can see planets during the day, they don't just disapear, but they are faint against the luminosity of the sun

What is the sky color of the moon at night?

The color of the sky on the Moon is black, always, day or night doesn't matter.