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Q: What is commercially prepared test?
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How is chlorine gas commercially prepared?

Chlorine gas is commercially prepared by electrolysis of aquaeous sodium chloride.

How can oxygen be prepared in the laboratory commercially?

It's too costly to prepare oxygen in lab to be commercially successful.

What is a viral culture?

A laboratory test. For a viral culture, sputum is mixed with commercially-prepared animal cells in a test tube. Characteristic changes to the cells caused by the growing virus help identify the virus.

What is commercially prepared food?

Commercially prepared means making home made food. You should try this it will make you less fat. I bet you didn't know that. LOL. As if you are sad enogh to try wikianswers to try and find this out... Use a Dictionary!!!!!

How acetone prepared commercially and the equation of it?

acetone is prepared in laboratory by dry distillation of calcium acetate

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can we prepare phenylacetone from methylphenylacetate in one step.

What is shelf life of commercially prepared guacamole?

1 day to 1 year( then its taken down)

What is a problem found with most commercially prepared stocks and how can this be compensated for?

Most commercially prepared stocks (in Canada and the US of A, are high in Sodium (Na) which is seen as detrimental to ones health. We are all advised to reduce or remove high sodium from our diet to stay healthy. The reason that there is so much sodium/salt in commercially prepared stocks is that this is seen as a preservative and had been used as part of the preparation of stocks and soups for decades. In Canada, Federal and Provincial governments are pushing for the reduction of the sodium content in commercially produced food items.

What should you be prepared for when starting a practice test?

There are many different practice test that you can use to get prepared for a GED test. One of them is the traditional reading, math and writing as well as grammar test.

How long can mayonaisse be unrefridgerated?

It's not the mayonnaise (if commercially prepared) that's the problem. Commercially prepared mayo is very stable and safe. It's the other things in the salad that you have to watch out for. The salads should be unrefrigerated for no more than 2 hours. Less if the ambient temperature is quite warm.

Do muffins contain iodine?

Commercially prepared breads (muffins), cereals, crackers typically contain rich amounts of iodine.