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Q: What is comparison and contrast clues?
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What are five examples of context clues?

Definitions: an author may provide a word's meaning within the sentence. Synonyms: words with similar meanings can help decipher the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Antonyms: words with opposite meanings can provide clues to the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Descriptive details: surrounding information can hint at the meaning of a word. Example sentences: examples within a text can provide context for unfamiliar words.

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Comparison and contrast?

There definitions of contrast and comparison are quite different. Contrast simply means stating differences while comparison means stating similarities between two things.

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Is contrast difference or same?

Contrast= difference Comparison= same

How do you get comparison and contrast?

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Putting images or ideas side by side for comparison or contrast

Two or more objects or ideas observed by Their similarities?

outline or contrast

Elizabeth was the best choice for the job is this a comparison or contrast?

Comparison: good - better - best

What is structural clues?

Structural clues are used in answering text completion. There are four classifications of structural clues. These include causal, contract, comparison, and condition.

What are the six types of context clues for English?

1.Definition Clue 2.Example Clue 3.Comparison and Contrast Clue 4.Cause and Effect Clue 5.Restatement Clue 6.Explanation Clue

What is the difference between comparison and contrast?

Comparing two things is finding what they have in common, contrast is how they are different.