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Complete effacement of the anterior subarachnoid space at c5-c6 is a thinning out of the disc material. Minimal cord deformation is possible scoliosis in the area of c5-c6.

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Q: What is complete effacement of the anterior subarachnoid space at c5-c6 with possible minimal cord deformation?
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A right paramedian disc protrusion at C5 - C6 that causes focal complete effacement is often referred to as a herniated disc. It can compress nerves and cause tingling and numbness. Your physician will be able to evaluate how serious the condition is and whether it requires treatment.

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c5-c6 is the location of the disks in question. central means the 'middle' and protrusion means that there is some 'bulging'. effacement means 'showing' or 'opening' and anterior means the 'front'. posteriormeans the 'back'. this doesn't give you a diagnosis or complete answer to your question because the MD that ordered your mri should be the one answering your questions. hopefully, however, you have been given a little more knowlege of the 'lingo' to make your conversation with him/her a little less daunting and a little clearer. good luck and give your MD a call!

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Complete effacement of the thecal sac refers to a condition where the space surrounding the spinal cord (thecal sac) is compressed or narrowed to the point where it is no longer visible on imaging studies such as MRI. This can be due to disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or other spinal abnormalities, and may result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the back or extremities. Treatment may involve conservative measures like physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgical intervention.

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Effacement refers to a stage in labor during which the cervix becomes thin and begins the process of dilation which moves the cervix out of the way so the baby can be born. When the cervix is fully effaced and dilated to 10 centimeters, the baby begins to move down the birth canal. Effacement refers to a stage in labor during which the cervix becomes thin and begins the process of dilation which moves the cervix out of the way so the baby can be born. When the cervix is fully effaced and dilated to 10 centimeters, the baby begins to move down the birth canal.

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Atrioventricular Dissociation (or commonly known as Complete Heart Block).

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How were naval oranges developed?

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Usually your primary dentist will recommend the orthodontist about the time that the child's bones are nearing the end of their growth. If you want a smooth transition to an orthodontist and a dentist who is specifically geared to young ones, find a pediadontist. They do both and help you understand and plan as your child grows.

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you complete me.