

What is component in vector?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is component in vector?
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What is the difference between a resultant vector and a component vector?

The resultant vector describes the complete vector, magnitude and direction; while the component vector describes a single component of a vector, like the x-component. If the resultant vector has only one component, the resultant and the component are the same and there is no difference.t

Can a vector have a component greater than the magnitude of vector?

no a vector cannot have a component greater than the magnitude of vector

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If any component of a vector is not zero, then the vector is not zero.

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can a vector have a component greater than the vector magnitude

What are vector components?

prrpendicular projections of a vector called component of vector

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How do you find the component of a vector perpendicular to another vector?

The component of a vector x perpendicular to the vector y is x*y*sin(A) where A is the angle between the two vectors.

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Can a vector have zero magnitudes if one of its component is not zero?

No. The magnitude of a vector can't be less than any component.

When can a nonzero vector have a zero horizontal component?

When the direction of the vector is vertical. Gravitational force has zero horizontal component.