

What is compressional energy?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is compressional energy?
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Is an electromagnetic a compresinal wave?

No, an electromagnetic wave is NOT a compressional wave. An electromagnetic wave is best described as a transverse wave. Remember that in a compressional wave, the energy moves parallel to the medium of the wave, while in a transverse wave, the energy moves perpendicular to the medium.

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What is found in a compressional wave?

A rarefaction is found in a compressional wave

What is a wave in which matter moves in the same direction as the wave?

The matter transfers the energy, it does not move very far. It circles at approximately the same spot as the wave energy passes.

What types of forces or stresses produces folds in rocks?

Tensional forces and compressional forces.

What are compressional boundarys?

A compressional bounday is plate boundarys that are being compressed

What kinda of wave is a compressional wave?

A compressional wave is a primary wave

Travels to us through compression waves?

Sound is a form energy that travels to us through compressional (or longitudinal) waves.

Are water waves compressional waves?

Compressional waves are waves that produce compression and rarefaction when traveling through a medium. Water waves are not considered as compressional waves.

Are sound waves transverse waves or compressional waves Why?

Compressional, gasses can be compressed but cannot be wiggled side to side.