

What is constant angular speed?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is constant angular speed?
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If a particle moves in circle with constant speed its angular momentum about the center of circle?

The angular momentum is a constant.

Does angular speed depend on distance?

when something moves with constant angular speed (w), as in a rotating disk, the speed (v) as you move away from the center depends on distance (r), but the angular speed does not. Mathematically, v = wr.

If a net torque is applied to an object that object will experience which of the following a constant angular speed angular acceleration or an increasing moment of inertia?

angular acceleration

If you increase the radius of circular motion then what is the centripetal acceleration?

That depends what you will remain constant: the angular velocity, or the speed. Here are two formulae that can help you decide: acceleration = speed squared / radius, and acceleration = angular velocity squared times radius. Angular speed should be measured in radians in this case. Angular speed is equal to 2 x pi x (revolutions per second). From the above formulae, it clearly follows that: (a) If you maintain the speed constant (and thereby reduce angular speed, a larger radius means less centripetal acceleration. (b) If you maintain the angular speed constant (and thereby increase the speed), a larger radius means more centripetal acceleration.

Which of the clock arm rotates are constat speed or constant velocity?

Ignoring the fact that some clocks "jump", for example once a second, each of the three arms moves at constant angular velocity. The speed, in this case, is constant; the velocity is not since the direction changes. On the other hand, sometimes people use a vector to describe an angular velocity. Angular momentums add nicely with vector representation.

Does the fan satisfy second condition for equilibrium when rotating with uniform speed?

if the fan rotates at constant speed ,then it's angular velocity is constant so net torque must be zero

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what is the relation angular speed and angular speed with clutch disc plate

What is Difference between angular velocity and angular speed?

Angular velocity is a vector with a direction and angular speed is a scalar with no direction.

How angular momentum of the earth remain constant?

As there is no external torque acting on it, its angular momentum remains constant. This is according to the law of conservation of angular momentum

What is the angular acceleration of the minute hand of a clock?

The hands of a clock move at a constant speed, not slowing or speeding up. Therefore, the acceleration is a constant 0 rad/s2

What can you then conclude about the orbital speed of a planet in an elliptical orbit?

Kepler's Second Law: The planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun.