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Q: What is constant when the total force on an object is zero?
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What happens to the forces of an object when it reaches a constant speed?

An object maintains a constant velocity when the net force acting upon that object is zero. Therefore, a force pushing against the object that exactly opposes the force(s) due to friction (in both magnitude and direction) will result in a net force of zero, and the object will maintain a constant speed.

If the netforce on an object is zero then the object has?

If the net force on an object is zero then the object has zero acceleration, meaning that the speed and direction of its motion aren't changing.

If we are told that an object has a constant velocity what can we say about the force on that object?

you can say that there is no net force on the object; that is, the net force is zero

Does an object have net force if it is motionless?

Yes, but the net force is ZERO! If an object is moving at constant velocity, the sum of the forces acting upon it is zero. When an object is motionless, its constant velocity is zero. If at any time the sum of the forces -- sometimes called the net force -- is non-zero, the object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force.

What is velocity if the net force is 0?

If the net force on an object is zero, then velocity of the object is constant ... it moves in a straight line at a constant speed.

If a body is moving with constant velocity is it moving with constant acceleration?

An object moves with constant velocity when there is no net force acting upon it. If there are no forces acting on an object, or if the forces acting on it "cancel out" leaving a net force of zero acting on the object, it will have zero acceleration. With a zero acceleration, the velocity of the object will be constant.

What happens to an object when forces acting on an object are balanced?

Balanced force -> Zero net force -> Zero acceleration (stays at rest or constant velocity)

What can you assume if an object has a constant velocity?

The net force acting on it is zero.

What is the net force on an object with constant velocity?

If the object is moving in a straight line, then the net force on it is zero. If the object is not moving in a straight path, then there is some non-zero net force acting on it even if its speed is constant. We don't have enough information to describe the magnitude or direction of the force.

What does balanced force couse on an object?

If forces are balanced, the acceleration of the object will be zero and the velocity will be constant. Maybe zero maybe not.

How is an able to maintain a constant speed when friction acts upon it?

An object maintains a constant velocity when the net force acting upon that object is zero. Therefore, a force pushing against the object that exactly opposes the force(s) due to friction (in both magnitude and direction) will result in a net force of zero, and the object will maintain a constant speed.

Is the net force zero if the object is not moving?

Yes, but an object with net force of zero may still be moving. The net force is zero if the object is not accelerating.