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I have Diabetes trust me I know. Diabetes that is controlled means that you consistently have a correct number of sugar in your blood, uncontrolled means that you do not. Diabetes is caused when an organ called a pancreas breaks down, the pancreas controls how much sugar glucose is in your blood, when it breaks down you have to do it manually.

I think controlled diabetes is when blood sugar level is safe.Safe Blood Sugar level is the optimum range that safely provided the body with the adequate amount of energy.For the average person it is 70 to 105mg/dl in the fasting state. Uncontrolled diabetes is when the level of diabetes is at or above 126mg/dl in the fasting state.

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A controlled diabetic usually refers to their ability to control their blood sugar levels. They are usually able to that with diet and exercize and maybe some medication, but they don't need to inject insulin.

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