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Adversive Conditioning.

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Q: What is counter conditioning that associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior?
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What is aversion conditioning?

Aversive Conditioning is the use of something unpleasant, or a punishment, to stop an unwanted behavior. EX: If a dog is learning to walk on a leash alongside his owner, an undesired behavior would be when the dog pulls on the leash. The owner may use a collar that delivers a shock when dog pulls - eventually the dog associates pulling on the leash with getting a painful shock and stops pulling

What is Behavior Modification is?

Behavior modification is the process of eliminating unwanted behaviors and replacing them with more desirable ones. Behavior modification is along process that involves find the root cause of unwanted behaviors.

What is a bad penny?

A bad penny is an idiom for something which is unpleasant or unwanted, especially something which appears at an undesirable time.

What is a shock collar used for?

For punishment a reinforcer to try and hinder unwanted behaviour by doing something unpleasant to the dog (gives a shock).

What is the definition of Riddance?

"Riddance" is the act of getting rid of something troublesome. It is always used to refer to the removal of something unpleasant, unwanted and undesirable.

What is an adverse event in health care?

It is an unwanted side effect or event, such as a harmful or unpleasant side effect to medication or potential risks in a medical procedure.

What is the meaning of idiom the bitter results?

It basically means the unsatisfactory or unwanted product of some action. Simply put: unenjoyable results, or unpleasant results.

What is behavioral traits?

this is an unwanted behavior that occur in human character that discomfort people around such individual.

Which disorder is characterized by recurring unwanted thoughts followed by certain repetitive behavior?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Why are single or no parent CHILDREN more likely to have behavior problems and be the naughty children?

Because they feel unloved or unwanted.

I need two examples of unethical web based business behavior?

phishing and excessive use of unwanted popups

What is compulsive profanity?

Compulsive profanity is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by unpleasant and unwanted thoughts which keep recurring and are obsessive in nature. And the person swears, alot, all the time.