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Q: What is cpt code for urban radical mastectomy and concurrently a single pedicle TRAM flap reconstruction with reconsruction with supercharing?
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What are the two main methods of performing breast reconstruction after mastectomy?

The method used for performing breast reconstruction is based on the preference of the patient. The reconstruction can be done by immediate reconstruction, where reconstruction occurs in the same time period in which mastectomy is done, or by delayed reconstruction, where reconstruction of the breast is done after mastectomy.

What type of mastectomy allows for immediate breast reconstruction?

A modified radical mastectomy also allows for immediate or delayed breast reconstruction.

How soon after a mastectomy can breast reconstruction be undertaken?

Breast reconstruction can be undertaken either during or after a mastectomy depending on the advice of the surgeon and the wishes of the patient. It is possible to have an immediate reconstruction if there is no need for irradiation treatment after the surgery. Should this be necessary the reconstruction can be undertaken following treatment.

When do many women prefer to have breast reconstruction?

Many women choose to have breast reconstruction performed in conjunction with the mastectomy.

What is the health act of 1998 mastectomies?

Before 1998, if a woman had a mastectomy and wanted reconstruction, health insurance did not cover the reconstruction. This health act was past so women can have recostruction at any time after a mastectomy and the insurance has to cover it.

What is the reason for providing a second setup to perform a breast reconstruction following a modified radical mastectomy due to a malignancy?

Two setups may be required if reconstruction is done immediately following the mastectomy to prevent spreading of cancer cells aka seeding.

What is a skin-sparing mastectomy?

A skin-sparing mastectomy uses special techniques that preserve the patient's breast skin for use in reconstruction, although the nipple still is removed.

I have fibrocystic breasts will my insurance company pay for implants?

No, Breast reconstruction is only covered following a Mastectomy

What is the benefit of breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction, especially if it is begun at the same time as the simple mastectomy, can minimize the sense of loss that women feel when having a breast removed.

Does insurance cover Breast implantation?

If enlargement is part of breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, health plans may pay for some or all of it

How is the site of staging for a mastectomy selected?

The type and location of the incision may vary according to plans for reconstruction or other factors, such as old scars.

How is a mastectomy concluded?

If no immediate reconstruction is planned, surgical drains are left in place to prevent fluid accumulation. The skin is sutured and bandages are applied.