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Q: What is cut off of direct second year diploma to degree admission for government college of engg karad?
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A college diploma or a degree A college diploma or a degree

Why is a college diploma called a degree?

A diploma is a certificate awarded by an educational system. A degree shows the amount, level, or extent of academic rank, title or award. You get a diploma from high school, but a degree from a college.

What do you get at the end of your fourth year of college?

A diploma and a degree

What is a digree in biology?

A biology degree is a college diploma obtained by attending college for the sole purpose of obtaining a college diploma in the field of biology.

How many semesters are seen in the admission from diploma to degree?

final year (s-6 semester)

Do veterinarians need a high school diploma?

Not necessarily, although most veterinarians have a high school diploma. If you don't have a high school diploma, you will need to get a GED, as this is required by most colleges prior to admission.

Can you get admission for direct degree with government certificate?


Is bachelor's degree and college diploma the same thing?

yes it is

Do you have to have a diploma to get in lawschool?

yes you do have to have a diploma to get into lawschool. why? because you have to have the regular smarts in a normal college before you can go to lawschool. you have to have a 4 year college degree and a 3 year lawschool degree.

What is another name for college degree that begins with the letter c?

college diploma, certificate

Where can I get an MBA diploma?

You can get your MBA at college after you have already obtained your BA. This diploma requires two more years of college after your graduate with your Bachelors degree.

What is the process of engineering by going with diploma in engineering?

when u take admission in diploma,it takes 3 yrs and after u get direct admission in 2nd year degree,rather than doing 11,12th and giving CET exam which is hard...