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Q: What is dark brown pigment called?
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What is the dark brown pigment that gives skin its color?


What is the name of the brown yellow - brown or black pigment produced by melanocytes?

Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin, which is responsible for absorbing dangerous ultraviolet light and giving skin its dark appearance in dark-skinned races.

What is the definition of an umber?

Umber is a pigment and its color is darker than ocher. It is also, in raw form, dark yellowish-brown. In burnt form, umber is dark brown. Depending on the situation, the pigment changes color.

What is the main pigment called in plants?

The main pigment of the skin is melanin, it is what makes your skin light or dark whether it be your ethnicity or even the amount of exposure you get from the sun.

What is the name of the dark pigment that causes many animals to be black or dark brown?

I believe you're referring to melanin. Yup, melanin, and it is more than just dark brown and black pigment. Melanin is the primary determinant for all colors found in skin and hair, including reds and blondes. Forms of melanin range from iris color to the ink that a squid produces. Think of grey hair as lacking melanin.

What is dark pigment of the body called?

melanin is black pigment found in the epidermisMelaninMelanin

Why are most insects black?

Most insects are either black or brown. This is because they have a pigment called melanin in their skin or shell. This pigment absorbs light, which makes theinsects appear black or dark in color to us.

A dark colored pigment that protects from the ultraviolet light is called?

Pigment that protects from the ultraviolet light is called melanin. This is science.

What is the brown pigment that determines your colouring?

melatonin, dark skinned persons tend to have more..and its coloring...

Why is beef dark?

Because cattle are warm blooded animals they contain a pigment in their meat tissues called myoglobin. This pigment is normally a dark grayish color, which then creates the dark color in beef.

What is the pigment in your skin that makes it go brown?

The pigment is called melanin. It makes your skin go brown as a protection to the sun. If your skin has more melanin in it, it will go brown much more easily than if you have fair skin. The amount of pigment (melanin) in your skin comes from your parents - if your parents go brown easily then you are likely to too but if your parents are fair, or burn easily then you are likely to do the same. If you burn then you do not to have much melanin in your skin and if you go brown then you have more melanin in your skin. Hope this helps!

What is black or brown pigment found in horses called?

It's called dirt.They pick up on the ground.