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The "s" at the end represents a secure sever connection. They're usually utilized when making an online purchase, or logging into an account with sensitive information (i.e. online banking, loan repayment websites, etc)/

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Q: What is deference between HTTP and HTTPS?
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What is the difference between https and http?

http is secured https is not secured

Upon which protocol is HTTPS based?

HTTPS is based on HTTP. HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP.

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What is difference between http and https?

I want to acces in a course about learning english from spain but my computer says "you can´t enter using https" what do I get to do? please help me.

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Can not access website thru http but can thru https?

Some websites require HTTPS as a security issue. HTTPS is much more secure than HTTP.

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How is a link between http url and https url established?

HTTPS is simply HTTP with encryption. You send encrypted data to the server, and it decrypts it. THe same thing happens in reverse. It's not like HTTP and FTP, where the data is completely different and you would need a "converter" so to speak.

Does https get you on any website?

No, https indicates that your http connection is encrypted and therefore secure.

Why are my http calls turning into https?

HTTP is short for Hyper text transfer protocol. HTTPs is short for hyper text transfer protocol (security). So when ever you are using a secured site like facebook or twitter HTTP turns to HTTPs.

How do you get past comsifter?

type https in the address for example http://facebook.comwould now be