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Q: What is desication with loss of the t2 disc signal?
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What is T2 signal in MRI?

The T2 signal is used by MRI machines to help identify different characteristics of tissues within the brain. For example, the T2 signal can help identify if the tissue contains too much water.

What is a t2 signal in the left paraspinous muscle?

There are a multitude of electrical signal released by neurons to activate a response in a muscle. A t2 signal in the left paraspinous muscle refers to the impulse from the t2 vertebrae to the muscle on the left of the spine .

Brain T2 signal abnormal?

What does it mean when the MRI states Marked patchy to confluent abnormal T2 signal white matter? increase brain T2 signal from white matter in MRI might be due to AIDS dementia complex

What is a T1-T2 disc herniation?

A T1-T2 disc herniation is a herniation that happens in the middle or lower back. This will cause extreme pain and possible numbness in the limbs.

What is a Hyperintense T2 signal mass in the region of the head of the pancreas?

what is hyper intense t2 lesion in the right liver lobe

Are T2 and Flair signal hyperintensities associated with the white matter in the brain?


What is mild diffuse cerebral and cerebellum volume loss and T2 hyperintesnity within the periventricular white matter?

Mild diffuse cerebral and cerebellum volume loss and T2 hyperintensity within the periventricular white matter refers to a stroke. This can cause a slight decrease in the white matter of the brain.

What is T2FLAIR?

T2 FLAIR is an MRI sequence used when scanning brain anatomy. It stands for Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery and is a T2 weighted scan where signal from CSF is nulled giving a good detailed view of brain anatomy.

What is 5mm focus of hyperintense t1 and t2 signal in the t8 vertebral body?

It is very likely to be a hemangioma- a benign collection of vessels.

What does it mean the brain parenchyma shows periventricular T2 hyperintensity and a few scattered subcortical foci of increased T2 and flair signal intensity in the frontal lobes that are nonspecifi?

what does this mean? Impression: There are scattered foci of T2/FLAIR hyperintensity within the periventricular, deep and subcortical white matter. The findings are nonspecific but may be seen in mild to moderate small vessel ischemic changes. No evidence for acute infarct or hemorrhage.

What is a T2 hyperintense foci?

Type your answer here... it is a T2 hyperintense foci

What is the heat loss?

Heat loss due to change in temperature: Q = mc(T2-T1) Heat loss due to change in phase: Q = mL c and L are constants that are specific to each compound at certain temperatures. For water, we usually take c to be 4186 J/(kg*K).