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they eat snails and slugs

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Q: What is diet for a frog?
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What is the natural diet of a rhacophorus nigropalmatus?

The flying frog has a diet that consists of insects, and other small invertebrates.

What does the Brazilian gold frog eat?

She is on spesiall diet. She eats nothing.

Is it okay to feed your python snake with frog?

No - their natural diet is small rodents !

What does the blue sided tree frog eat?

Blue Sided Leaf Frog's diet consists of mostly arthropods and crickets. But they will eat anything they can get in their mouth.

Western chorus frog diet eating habits?

a frogs eating habits is the food the frog eats like worms insects and other food

Will it hurt a ball python to eat a frog?

Frogs are NOT part of a Royal Pythons diet !

What did the frog order at McDonald's?

French flies and a Diet Croak.

What does the white tree frog eat?

Diet in the Wild They eat mainly insects such as moths, locusts, and roaches.

Does frog poop look like mouse poop?

Frog poop generally has a different appearance than mouse poop. Frog poop is typically tubular in shape and can vary in color depending on the frog's diet, while mouse poop is typically smaller and pellet-shaped.

What do lungless frogs eat?

Because the lungless frog of Indonesia, or Bornean Flat-headed frog (Barbourula kalimantanensis) has only been discovered very recently, almost nothing is known about its diet.

What is a good diet for your frog on racing frogs?

u should give it crickets and flys, but don't over feed him/her!

What is a poison dark frog's diet?

I captivity you can feed them flightless fruit flies. In the wild they eat fire ants.