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nothing they are the same

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Q: What is diffences between meiosis and mitosis?
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What is the end result difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis = doubling of chromosomes. Meiosis = halving of chromosomes.

What is the main difference between meiosis and mitosis?

mitosis involves 1 division while meiosis involves 2

What are two differences between mitosis and meiosis?

1: Mitosis and Meiosis are the two ways by which cells reproduce.2: Mitosis and meiosis produce fresh new cells based on their parent cells' genes.

What is the difference between mitosis and meioisis?

Mitosis is asexual reproduction, meiosis is sexual reproduction.

What is the difference between mitosis 2 and meiosis?

During mitosis, sister chromatids are separated.

What is the difference between prophase mitosis and prophase meiosis?

In prophase I of meiosis, crossing over of homologous chromosomes occurs. This does not happen in prophase of mitosis.

Differences between mitosis and meiosis?

place of occurence ;mitosis= somatic cells | meiosis=gonadic cells crossing over;mitosis=does not occur | meiosis=occur during prophase of meiosis 1 to form tetrads number of daughter cell;mitosis=two | meiosis= four genetic variation;mitosis=no variation produced| meiosis=produces genetic variation genetic composition in daughter cell; mitosis=identical to the parent cell | meiosis= non identical to the parent cell and each other

What are The faces of mitosis and meiosis?

there are no faces in mitosis and meiosis but there are phases

What is difference between meiosis 2 and mitosis?

During mitosis, sister chromatids are separated.

What is the difference between cell division and mitosis?

cell division includes mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is with one parent cell and meiosis is with 2 parent cells.

What are some minor differences between meiosis and mitosis?

mitosis are division of the cell in which the nucleus is divided into two cells where as in meiosis nucleus are further divide and divide

What are the major differences between mitisis and meiosis?

There are quite a few differences between mitosis and meiosis. Meiosis for example only happens in the sex cells of an organism.