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Q: What is difference between a dike and a vein?
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What is the difference between a dike and a vein deposit?

Vein :mass of rock which occupy fissures in other rocks, Dike is sedimentary layer cuts across preexisting rocks.

What is difference between arteies vein?

arteries are thicker then veins

What is the Difference between venous thromboembolism and deep vein thrombosis?

The difference is that venous thrombosis refers to a blood clot that forms in a vein and deep vein thrombosis is a clot that forms in the deep veins of a leg.

What is the difference between a dike and a levee?

A levee is an embankment along a stream that protects land from flooding. Levees can be natural or constructed. A dike is much the same, a protective wall, often to hold back the sea.

What is the difference between a vein and venule?

A vein is larger than a venule. It is also closer to the heart and farther from the capillaries than a venule.

What is a volcanic dike?

A dike is an intrusive body of volcanic magma that pushes it's way between layers of rocks and sediment.

What is the difference between spider vein and varicose treatment?

Spider vein treatment typically includes medicine or topical creames. Varicose typicall include thearpy and massage.

What is the difference between an archery and a vein?

Archery is a sport involving shooting an arrow with a bow. A vein is a blood vessel responsible for returning deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.

Difference between artery and vein histologically?

arteries 've short lumen where as veins 've large lumen.

What is the difference between arterial flow and vein flow?

Arterial flow means the blood flow is moving towards the heart, whereas a vein flow is when the blood moves away from the heart.

What is Magma hardened in a horizontal crack?

magma squeezed into a vertical crack is called a dike.

How do i get my dike to grow bigger?

How do I get a bigger dike