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An associate typically works closely with another person or team within an organization, often sharing responsibilities and collaborating on tasks. A representative, on the other hand, is an individual designated to speak on behalf of a group, organization, or constituency in various contexts such as negotiations, meetings, or discussions. While both roles involve interaction with others, associates typically focus on partnership and teamwork, whereas representatives focus on advocacy and communication.

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Q: What is difference between associate and representative?
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What is the difference between a delegate and a representative?

In general terms, a delegate is someone who is appointed to represent others or a specific group, such as in a conference or meeting. A representative is someone who is elected to act on behalf of a larger group, such as constituents in a government body like a legislature.

How is representative democracy used in the US government?

In the US, representative democracy is used in the form of a bicameral legislature (House of Representatives and Senate) where elected officials represent the interests of their constituents. Citizens vote for representatives who then make laws and policies on their behalf. This system allows for a balance between direct input from the people and the practical need for efficient decision-making.

How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy and how are they alike?

In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making by voting on laws and policies. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Both systems aim to reflect the will of the people, but direct democracy involves more direct involvement from citizens in decision-making compared to representative democracy.

What is the minimum age to become an Avon representative?

In most countries, the minimum age to become an Avon representative is 18 years old.

What is the role of the district representative?

A district representative serves as the link between constituents in their assigned district and the state or federal government. They advocate for the needs and interests of their constituents, address concerns regarding government policies and programs, and help individuals navigate government services. They also play a role in crafting and voting on legislation that impacts their district.

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nothing, one just say a degree that's all.

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no difference

Name for sales person?

* Clerk * Representative * Associate

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