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Who gives a f**k. Nobody cares about the economy. If you do you are a ho**

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Eliseo Keebler

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Q: What is difference between mixed economy and command economy?
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What is the difference between market economy and mixed economy?

The difference between market economy and mixed economy is that a marked economy is a marked economy and a mixed economy is a mixed economy

What is the difference between a market economy and a mixed economy?

In a mixed economy, there are more government regulations.

What country has a mixed command economy?

Mongolia has a mixed government

Is Spain a market economy command economy or mixed?

mixed economy

What do you call an economy that is both partly command and market?

When an economy is partly command and partly market, is called a mixed economy.

Is Ecuador a market command or mixed economy?

It is a Mixed Economy

Is Israel a traditional market command or mixed economy?

Mixed economy because it is only command on the farming.

Is United States a command and mixed economy?

America is a mixed economy

Is Turkey a market economy a command economy or is it a mixed economy?

mixed market

The difference between a command economy and a demand economy?

A command economy is a private business that the government does not support. It is purely driven by consumers. They decide on what is produced. A demand economy is a business where only the government decides what is produced. There is also something called a mixed economy and that is when the government supports private businesses and decides what is produced for them.

Is Russia primarily a traditional or command or market or mixed economy?

command economy

Is iraq's economy market mixed traditional or command?

iraq's economy is mixed