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Q: What is difference between sweat and urine?
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Urine is nitrogenous waste matetial that contains ammonia. Tears is a form of sweat that is secreted by ducts in the eyes in order to keep the retina from becoming dry.

What is the difference between urine and feces?

Urine is liquid Feces are solid

Which animal produces very little sweat and urine?

a camel produces very little sweat and urine

How does sweat differ from urine?

The sweat gets rid of excessive body heat & the urine is the fluid waste of the body

Can you sweat THC out of your urine?

can you sweat THC out of ur urine i smoked weed this morning and have job interview tomorrow

What is the difference between sweat duct and sweat gland?

sweat glands :are small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat. sweat duct :a small duct that conveys sweat from a sudoriferous gland to the surface of the skin.

When you sweat is it your pee?

No, it is not urine. However, both sweat and urine contain many of the same elements, including water and urea.

What ids the difference between sweat glands and oil glands?

Sweat glands releases sweat and oil glands release oil, other wise they are both glands

What is in sweat and urine?

Water, Salt, and Urea

WhaT is the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

What the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

I need to know for work compliance What is the difference between knit pants and sweat pants?

Sweat pants aren't knit. They are made of fleece.