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Q: What is difference between uses and features?
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What is the difference between Natural features and physical features?

natural features are what you really think and physical features is what you think your going to do but you dont do it.

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What is the difference between human and physical features?

The difference between physical and human features is that physical features are features created by nature, e.g. mountains, and the human features are the features that are man-made, such as architecture. In geographical features, I am not sure about child health, physical features describes the land. Human features describes the culture, homes, jobs, etc. of that area.

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I think the difference is that RMI uses AAAAAA and the procedure uses BBBB

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the fundamental difference between a battery and a generator is that a battery uses chemicals

Which best describes a difference between transcription and DNA replication-?

Another answer could be that Transcription uses Uracil. This is the answer I got from Apex btw.

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Physical features and emotionalism

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The difference between the two is that chemosynthesis uses chemicals for Energy instead of the light Energy, or sunlight, as used in photosynthesis.The difference between the two is that chemosynthesis uses chemicals instead of light energy like photosynthesis.

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The main difference between Dubstep and trap music is trap music primarily uses the 808 bass while dubstep uses any bass.

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algebric uses variables and numerical uses numbers

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Chevy uses lock washers. ;-)

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