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The result of a SUBTRACTION operation is called the 'difference' .

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Q: What is difference in math is it add or multiplication or subtrac?
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to how to add and subtrac ect.

What is a product law in math?

In multiplication , if base is same then add exponents

How can you turn hip hop dancing into math?

make songs out of multiplication and add any kind of dancing to it

What is the difference between mental math to add decimals like using mental math to add whole numbers?

No difference. Both require you to think it out rather than write it out.

What is the difference between maths and add math?

add math is harder...but not particularly different in style. If you like math you'll like it more, if you don't like math this won't be any different.

When doing a math problem dividing how can you check your problem?

You can multiply the answer to see if it's right. same with multiplication, addition, and subtraction. Multiplication, you divide, to check addition, you subtract, and subtract, you add.

What are the key words for math when your supposed to add subtract and mulitiply and divide?

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division collectively kown as computation

How is preparing taxes related to math?

You use numbers and add/subract them. You also work with your budget, which is using math. Income tax forms use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

What is the answer called when you add two or more numbers?

addition-sum subtraction-difference division-quotient multiplication-product

Is the sum in adding or subtracting?

when you add numbers, you get a sum. when you subtract numbers, you get a difference. (also in multiplication it's product, and in division is quotient.)

What are some math tricks for learning your multiplication tables?

There are many tricks to learning multiplication tables. One is the rhyme '8 times 8 fell on the floor and when it woke up it was 64'. Another is to know that all the nine multiplication tables add up to 9 up to 9 times 10.

What is the difference between multiplication and addition?

well as we all know addition is + and multiplication is X also known as times . the differences is add is were you add them together and times is when you times the number by the other number. ADDITION- when you add 2 numbers like 4 and 4 you get eight. multiplication- when you multiply 4 and 4 you get fourteen. in order to get 8 when using 4 you have to multiply it by 2. 4x2=8. thank you for reading