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the affect is that the length of the eye is too long and that causes it to affect the way you can see

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13y ago

When you're myopic, you see near sighted and its hard to see far away. So you need glasses.

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Q: What is different about your vision when you have myopia?
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Is myopia an impairment of vision due to old age?

Myopia is near-sightedness; presbyopia is an impairment of vision due to old age.

Myopia is a disease that affects which organ?

Myopia is near-sightedness, affecting vision (and the organ, of course, would be the eye).

What are characteristics of marketing myopia?

This question refers to the sales and advertising for the treatment of myopia. Myopia treatment are nationally marketed by the trademarks of Lasik vision correction and INTACS lens inserts.

What different types of vision correction does TLC Laser Eye Center offer?

A TLC Laser Eye Center has various procedures to correct different vision's problems. Their ophthalmologists are able to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Is a vision condition in which close objects are seen clearly?

myopia or nearsightedness

Is myopia permanent?

It is. However, there is laser treatments that can change correct myopia now. But without surgery, only glasses can correct myopic vision.

Which condition is a vision defect in which light rays focus in front of the retina?


What vision abnormality occurs when light is focused in front of the retina?

nearsightedness or myopia

What medical term describes a type of vision?

Hyperopia, myopia, and diplopia are some medical terms meaning a type of vision.

Can contact lenses control or cure myopia?

No they can't. Contact lenses and glasses correct the defect to imporve vision but they are unlikely to affect the undelying cause of myopia.

What are 3 vision problems?

Myopia, retinitis pigmentosa, and glaucoma - to name just three.

What do people where to correct their vision?

They wear medicated glasses depending on the eye defect such as myopia and hypermeiopia.