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Q: What is different between ash and elder?
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What is the difference between Ash and Quinton catheters?

Ash is a split lumen, the Quentin is one lumen different out/in holes for each port on the same lumen. Do the same type of thing, just different execution.

Is ash red Pokemon?

No ash and red are 2 different people.

What is the difference between sulphated ash and residue on ignition?

The only difference between sulphated ash and the residue on ignition is the terminology. The residue on an ignition is sulphated ash.

Will The Elder Scrolls v Skyrim have multiplayer?

There is The Elder Scrolls Online, but that is a different game.

What is the complication in a story Gold for star fruit tree?

The story tell us about the entirely different two people between the elder brother and the younger brother. And the opposite between frankly and greedy

What is the difference between blast furnace coke and cupola coke?

Mainly the type of coke being used. The sulfur, ash and carbon content are different.

What is the difference between the colors ash and gray?

The two words are not similar in any way. Ash is a type of wood used in bows and some furnitures. Red is a color. If you are talking about Pokemon then red is more serious, beat team rocket, beat the Pokemon league in one try, and his Pokemon team is different. Ash is more care free, can't beat the Pokemon league in one try, has different team, and goes to different regions. I hope this helped :)

How is ash different from ordinary household dust?

ash comes from a volcano while household dust comes from a house.

What is better ash or maple?

There is no 'best' in wood . . . ash is tough, but maple is hard. They are both great for different things.

Symbiotic relationship between emerald ash borer and ash tree?

the ash borer feeds on tissue in the ash tree and the larvae shut off the food and water supply causing the tree to die

How is H2O different from the elements that make up water?

Water is different from hydrogen and oxygen in the same way that wood ash is different from wood and oxygen. Both water and wood ash are the products of combustion.

What is the density of the fly ash?

Between 2.0 - 3.0