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Q: What is different between cod fish and snow fish?
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What is the difference between salt fish and cod?

I am not sure what this question means. Cod is a fish There are few kinds of salt fish Cod can be fresh or cured through salt.

Is codfish a vegetable?

It is not Its just another word for the fish cod but its codfish, so its practically a fish. But a different name for cod.

Is haddock baby cod?

No, they are a different species of fish.

Is blue cod kosher?

Cod was a generic name for various kinds of fish (including hake and the haddock) and can refer to different fish in different parts of the world. In those parts of the world where cod refers to fish with scales, then cod will be Kosher. All Kosher fish need fins and scales.

Are haddock and cod the same fish?

No, although related, and look very similar, they are different fish.

What is cod fish?

A type of fish

What is the difference between cod and codfish?

Cod is a fish and codfish is a made up word. Do we say salmonfish, haddockfish?

What is a Cod?

A cod is a fish.

Is a cod a mammal fish or invertebrate?

A cod is neither a reptile nor a mammal. It is a fish; class Osteicthyes

Is the cod fish a mammal?

No, it is not, a cod fish is a type of fish.

Do cod fish live in ponds?

no, cod are saltwater fish

What do cod fish get eaten by?

Cod fish are preyed upon by a variety of predators, both in their juvenile and adult stages. Some common predators of cod fish include larger fish such as sharks, skates, and other predatory fish like haddock, pollock, and seals. Marine mammals like dolphins and porpoises may also target cod as part of their diet. Additionally, seabirds such as gulls and cormorants may feed on smaller juvenile cod. Human fishing activities also significantly impact cod populations.