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that one has a bigger mass than the other one for example one has 63 and the other has 65.They have equal number of protons and electrons.Their mass differs due to presence of different number of neutrons.

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The two main isotopes of copper are copper-63 and copper-65. They differ in the number of neutrons they have in their nuclei, with copper-63 containing 29 neutrons and copper-65 containing 31 neutrons. This difference in neutron content leads to variations in their atomic weights and densities.

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Q: What is different in the two isotopes of copper?
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All isotopes of the element copper contains?

There are 29 isotopes of copper, with mass numbers ranging from 52 to 80. However, only two isotopes, copper-63 and copper-65, are stable. The most abundant isotope is copper-63, making up about 69% of naturally occurring copper.

Why do the two isotopes of copper have the same chemical properties?

The two isotopes of copper, copper-63 and copper-65, have the same chemical properties because they have the same number of protons and electrons. This means they have the same electronic configuration and exhibit similar chemical behavior in reactions. The only difference between the two isotopes is their atomic mass due to differing numbers of neutrons.

What do the isotypes of chlorine or copper have in common?

Both chlorine and copper have multiple isotopes, meaning they have different varieties of the element with varying numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. These isotopes of chlorine or copper have different atomic masses, but they share the same number of protons, which is what defines them as the element chlorine or copper.

Two atoms are isotopes if they contain?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element which differ in the number of neutrons they contain. For example, helium-3 (3He), with two protons and one neutron in each nucleus, and helium-4 (4He), with two protons and two neutrons, are two different isotopes of helium. Nearly all elements found in nature are mixtures of several different isotopes. Although the chemical properties of isotopes of the same element are the same, the physical properties differ. The natural proportions of the isotopes are expressed in the form of an abundance ratio.

Is a sample of pure copper all atoms have?

In a sample of pure copper, all atoms have the same number of protons in their nucleus, which defines the element as copper. However, individual copper atoms may have varying numbers of neutrons, resulting in different isotopes of copper.

Related questions

How many isotopes does copper have?

Copper has two stable isotopes: copper-63 and copper-65. However, there are numerous unstable isotopes of copper, with atomic masses ranging from 52 to 79.

The relative percentage abundance of the two isotope of copper?

Copper has two stable isotopes, copper-63 and copper-65. The relative percentage abundance of these isotopes is approximately 69.17% for copper-63 and 30.83% for copper-65.

All isotopes of the element copper contains?

There are 29 isotopes of copper, with mass numbers ranging from 52 to 80. However, only two isotopes, copper-63 and copper-65, are stable. The most abundant isotope is copper-63, making up about 69% of naturally occurring copper.

Why do the two isotopes of copper have the same chemical properties?

The two isotopes of copper, copper-63 and copper-65, have the same chemical properties because they have the same number of protons and electrons. This means they have the same electronic configuration and exhibit similar chemical behavior in reactions. The only difference between the two isotopes is their atomic mass due to differing numbers of neutrons.

Why is the atomic mass of copper not exactly equal to 64 midway between the mass numbers of copper-63 and copper-65?

The atomic mass of an element is a weighted average of the masses of its isotopes based on their abundance. Since copper-63 is more abundant than copper-65, the atomic mass of copper is slightly lower than the mass halfway between the two isotopes. This is because the contribution of the lighter copper-63 isotope to the weighted average is greater.

How many stable isotopes does the element copper have?

copper has 2 stable isotopes

Is copper isotope the same as copper sulphate?

no! isotopes are different forms of an element with different atomic weight because they have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. copper sulfate is a salt formed by reacting copper with sulfuric acid.

Is it typical of transition metals to have isotopes?

Some do, some don't. Scandium and manganese, for example, do not, copper has only two isotopes.

How many isotope do copper have?

If you are talking about stable isotopes then there are two, 63Cu and 65Cu.

What do the isotypes of chlorine or copper have in common?

Both chlorine and copper have multiple isotopes, meaning they have different varieties of the element with varying numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. These isotopes of chlorine or copper have different atomic masses, but they share the same number of protons, which is what defines them as the element chlorine or copper.

Two different isotopes of the same atom have what?

Two different isotopes of the same atoms have the same number of protons and electrons; the number of neutrons is different.

What must be the same to determine if two atoms are copper?

The defining characteristic of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus. Copper always has 29 protons. It may have different numbers of neutrons, as in the common isotopes copper-63 and copper-65 which have 34 and 36 neutrons respectively.