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Q: What is different now then from the 1500s?
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What is the difference between travel in 1500s and now?

in the 1500s they used alien spaceships now we use teleportation devices

Who came to what is now US in the early 1500s?

Spanish explorers

What was the fastest way to connect people on different continen ts in the 1500s?

Sail boat

Who is not a protestant group?

The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.Also:those who are now called Baptists were around before the Catholic church was formed, called by different names, so were not of the official protestant movement of the 1500s.

What year was the viola invented?

The viola and violin family developed sometime around the 1500s in Italy from previous bowed instruments. The shape of viola and violin as it is today was not invented but was rather the result of an evolution of various forms, by different craftsmen.

In the 1500s the Incas were conquered by the?

They were conquered by the Spanish in the 1500s

What is the weather like in 1500s?

The same as it is now, although studies have shown it was slightly colder further back in history.

When was malaria first discovered?

Hippocrates, a physician born in ancient Greece was the first to describe manifestations of the disease and relate them to the time of year and area where the patients lived when contracting the disease. However, the discovery of the protozoal cause of malaria wasn't discovered until 1889 by Alphonse Laveran.

The population of England in the 1500s?

the population in england n the 1500s were very low beacause the mostly had sheep instead of people and people wouls die because off poverty and england now is better

What was the currency called in Constantinople in the 1500s?

Bezant was the currency of Constantinople in the 1500s.

Does 1543 fall in the early 1500s or mid 1500s?

mid 1500

What European group dominated exploration in the 1500s?

the spanish dominated the 1500s