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Usually it refers to money that someone receives. It could be wages, tips or a cash award.

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example of developing paragraph by question and answer

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Enumeration is a data type in the object oriented language. It is a sentence containing the word enumeration.

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What word is the best synonym for enumeration?


What is the full form of CPE?

Common Platform Enumeration

What are the 13 mode paragraph?

anecdote,details,classification,enumeration,development focus on effect,development focus on cause,definition,contrast,comparison,

Define enumeration of details?

To enumerate is to list. Enumeration of details means to list the details, usually in some order, like chronology, by theme, or by importance. For example, let's say you studied a group of 100 people. Three are African-Americans, two are French, eight are Spanish, seven are Hispanic, and the rest are Caucausion native born Americans. The details would likely be best enumerated by largest size group first. So, in your writing you would list 80 are Cacausion Americans, eight are Spanish, seven are Hispanic, three are African-Americans, and two are French. The US Census, taken every 10 years, is another example of enumeration of details. Each Census year requests different information, including name, age, whether married or not, names and ages of children, names and ages of other people living in that household, occupations for each adult, who owns a house, who rents, income for adults--etc. Each category is an enumeration of details. Each category can be counted separately by category, or collectively. So as an example, of 2,500 Heads of Household in one township, perhaps 20% rented that year while 50% boarded, and 30% owned a home. Students can do enumeration of details about a character in a book, or about the details of a country's history.

What is the acronym for a NPI number issued to a provider by the CMS?

NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. This is issued to individual or group providers by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). The CMS is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. They do not issue NPI numbers

Related questions

The enumeration in the Constitution mean?

Census, counting the population regularly

What is an enumeration sentence?

enumeration sentence can be used in a sentence as such. enumeration means numbered words..

What does Amendment Nine talks about the enumeration of rights. Enumeration means a .?

Enumeration means a LIST.Hope this answered your question.

What is the Tagalog word for enumeration?

Tagalog word of enumeration: isa-isahin

Why do you have enumeration?

There are different methods for naming a integer constant, one such method is enumeration. Enumeration is created by using the keyword enum.

What does a Sample of a letter with enumeration look like?

sample of letter with enumeration

Enumeration of steps of scientific method?

hi i have ask which of the following is not a method enumeration

What do you mean by enumeration of bacteria?

Enumeration of bacteria is counting the number of viable bacterial cells present in 1g or 1ml of a sample. The bacterial counts are usually expressed in CFU/g or CFU/ml. CFU-Colony Forming Units.

What is the Tagalog of the word enumeration?

that means step by step

What to do you mean by test case enumeration in manual testing?

The meaning of test case enumeration in manual testing refers to the numbering of the specific parts that are to be tested. Manual testing refers to the process of testing something without using automated systems.

What rhymes with altercation?


What is a population count known as?

Enumeration is one possible answer. The census is another.