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I'm not sure how it is done at other churches but at our church, first we sing a few hymns; then there is a devotion; then the pastor will ask the candidates to come forward (they have already been through an instruction period). Each gives their testimony and are asked a series of questions about their faith and belief in Jesus. The person then kneels in front of the church and the pastor cups his hands and dips them into a water basin and says, " I now baptise you in the name of the Father (then he pours the water from his hands over the persons head and then dips his hands in the basin and gets more water), in the name of the Son (then he dips his hands in again and gets more water), and of the Holy Spirit", Then the pastor extends the right hand of fellowship and bids him or her arise.

There are two main forms of baptism; one is by immersion in water; and the other is by sprinkling water of the head of the baptismal candidate.

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Q: What is done at a baptismal service?
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