

What is drift motion?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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the frictional motion of a body under negative acceleration is called drift motion.

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How does the motion of tectonic plates relate continental drift?

Continental drift is the theory that "plates" on the Earth are constantly in motion and have been for millions of years. Tectonic plates are the actual moving plates.

How does motion of tectonic plates relate to continental drift?

Continental drift is the theory that "plates" on the Earth are constantly in motion and have been for millions of years. Tectonic plates are the actual moving plates.

How does the motion of the tectonic plates relate to continental drift?

Continental drift is the theory that "plates" on the Earth are constantly in motion and have been for millions of years. Tectonic plates are the actual moving plates.

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motion and natural selection and genetic drift.

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no its retrograde motion

Explain plate tectonics and the mechansim of continental drift?

Plate tectonics describes the motion of the Earth's lithosphere which brings about continental drift due to convection currents.

What are the driving forces of continental drift?

The driving Forces of Continental drift are both gravity and the motion of the underground Tectonic Plates.

What is drift velocity?

In a current-carrying circuit, a charged particle is accelerated by an electric field. It also undergoes frequent collisions with the stationary ions of the wire material. These two effects result in the very slow net motion (drift) of moving charged particles in the direction of the electric force. The drift velocity describes this motion. Average drift speed for electrons is on the order of 10-4 m/s (Young and Freedman, University Physics).

How has the continental drift affect the distribution of species?

One factor that has affected how species are distributed is the motion of Earth's continents.

What is it called when the geological theory that states that pieces of Earth's crust are in constant slow motion?

"Continental Drift" and "Plate Tectonics".

What force causes the seafloor to spread and continents to drift?

Originally conceived as "continental drift," the theory of plate tectonics explains the motion of Earth's landmasses. However, there is still much debate as to what drives this motion. Explanations include upper mantle convection currents, forces due to gravity, and the effect of the Earth's rotation.

Is continental drift and plate techtonics the same?

no because continental drift means the hypothesis that the continents slowly move across earth's surface and plate techtonics means the theory that peices of earth's lithosphere are in constant motion.