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Q: What is each word's closest synonym A impeccable B ubiquitous C ambiance 1 everywhere 2 flawless 3 atmosphere?
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Related questions

What is a antonym for ambiance?

Vacuum because ambiance is the atmosphere or mood.

What is ambiance?

Ambiance is a particular mood or atmosphere of an environment or surrounding influence.

Word for restaurant's atmosphere?


Is ambiance a noun?

Yes, it is an abstract noun. It means an enviromental atmosphere, feel, or mood. (it is spelled either ambiance or ambience.)

Is ambience or ambiance correct?

Both "ambience" and "ambiance" are correct spellings, with "ambiance" being the more common in American English and "ambience" in British English. They both refer to the atmosphere or mood of a place.

What is a synonym for aura?

Air, character, ambiance, atmosphere, tone, suggestion, feel, mood...

What is a synonym for ambient?

Synonyms : ambience , air , standard pressure , atm, atmosphere, standard atmosphere, aura, ambiance, atmospheric state

What are other word forms for atmosphere?

The adjective form is atmospheric; the adverb form is atmospherically, for the noun atmosphere.

What is a sentence for atmosphere?

The ambient lighting in the restaurant was low, but there was a bright candle at each table.

What does ambions mean?

I think you mean ambiance. According to, ambiance means:1. the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc., particularly of an environment or milieu: The restaurant had a delightful ambiance. 2. that which surrounds or encompasses; environment. ("ambiance." Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 21 Oct. 2008. .)

What is the word 'atmosphere' when translated from English to Spanish?

atmósfera If you are talking about 'the Air', that would be atmósfera.If you are talking about 'the ambiance' or your surroundings, that would be ambiente.

Another name for a story's atmosphere is?

1. tone 2. mood Ambiance setting conveyance regional emotion Local colour