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Escatology is the study of the end times, or the end of the world in any particular religion.

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What is the branch of theology concerned with the last times or the end of the world?


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The word messiah comes from the Hebrew "moshiach" (the ch at the end is hard, like in Bach or Loch) which comes from the root "mashah" meaning anointed. Leviticus 8 describes the ritual by which Aaron was anointed as high priest. First Samuel 10 describes the anointment of Saul as King. High Priests and Kings continued to be anointed for as long as these offices existed. Later, when the last of the Davidic kings was deposed, messianic prophecies emerged ot a future restoration of the monarchy by a divinely appointed messiah. The Messiah would re-establish an independent Jewish kingdom. As time passed, these prophesies grew in grandeur, until they became part of escatology and the messiah was no longer a human king but, at least in Christian eyes, divine.

Can E'en so Lord Jesus Quickly Come by Paul Manz be appropriately used during liturgy for the Lenten season?

Although having used this piece for years, I am not aware of a direct correspondence with this text to the proper chants (introits/communions/etc) of the Roman Calendar. That would be a a dead giveaway for programming it in my book. The text is based on Revelations, but I don't remember when (if?) it comes up in the lectionary cycle... it must not be on a 'good' weekend, thematically. The first part of the first section is most evocative of Lent, so I suppose "E'en so" could be used during Lent... as a stretch. There is more literature which would probably be more approprate to the specific Sundays of Lent. I suppose an argument could be made for using it on the Annunciation (March 25), but to do so then would be neglecting literature even more proper to that day. I find this work most focused on themes of escatology and incarnation, so I am thinking it is best-suited to Advent, or perhaps even the last several weeks of Ordinary Time. I know it is a lot of work to only use once or maybe only twice a year, but I think it is worth it... it is so beautiful and powerful... worth being saved for an unexpectedly-special occasion every year. The text was written when Paul Manz's child was near death, during a night of worry and paryer. It is one of the few Christian hymns and anthems that manages to capture the powerful combination of lament and trust at the same time. I have used it only in Advent. It has become a major voice of the hope and waiting of Advent. I do not see it fitting in as well during Lent. That is another kind of waiting and hope. Although having used this piece for years, I am not aware of a direct correspondence with this text to the proper chants (introits/communions/etc) of the Roman Calendar. That would be a a dead giveaway for programming it in my book. The text is based on Revelations, but I don't remember when (if?) it comes up in the lectionary cycle... it must not be on a 'good' weekend, thematically. The first part of the first section is most evocative of Lent, so I suppose "E'en so" could be used during Lent... as a stretch. There is more literature which would probably be more approprate to the specific Sundays of Lent. I suppose an argument could be made for using it on the Annunciation (March 25), but to do so then would be neglecting literature even more proper to that day. I find this work most focused on themes of escatology and incarnation, so I am thinking it is best-suited to Advent, or perhaps even the last several weeks of Ordinary Time. I know it is a lot of work to only use once or maybe only twice a year, but I think it is worth it... it is so beautiful and powerful... worth being saved for an unexpectedly-special occasion every year.

What is the orthodox's key belief's?

MAIN BELIEFS (DOGMAS) OF THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Not necessarily in any order) GOD. Worship the Holy Trinity as God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19). Worship Jesus Christ as Lord, Saviour and the Word (Logos) as God. (John 1:1). Believe in God as the Creator of the Universe and all things on Earth, including human beings, and totally reject the pagan beliefs of evolution (John 1:3). Believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead, for our sins. (Mark 16:6, Luke 24:46-47). Believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father and the only way to salvation. (John 14:6). Believe that Holy Communion is the actual Body and Blood of Christ. (Matt 26:26-28). BIBLE AND TRADITION. The Bible or Holy Scriptures and the Holy Tradition are kept equally sacred. (2Thes 2:15, 1Cor 11:2)). The first centuries of the Church had no Bible, but the Church had the oral tradition handed down from the Church Fathers who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, defined the 27 Books of the New Testament Scriptures in 367 AD. The Council of Carthage in 419 AD confirmed the books of the Old and New Testaments. THE CHURCH. Jesus Christ Himself founded the Orthodox Church on the Day of Pentecost in the year 33 AD. "I will build My church."(Matt 16:18). Believing in God and being baptized (by triple immersion in water) are essential in order to be a member of the Church and to be saved (Mark 16:16). The Orthodox Church can trace its history from the Twelve Apostles and their successors right up until the present day. This is known as the Apostolic Succession of bishops. The highest authority in the Church is an Ecumenical Council or Synod of Bishops, as has existed since the 1st Century, when the Apostles would come together to consider theological matters. (Acts 15:6, 21:18). The Orthodox Church has a collegial system of government. The Ecumenical Patriarch is the 'first among equal bishops' and the Church totally rejects the idea of any one person or Pope as 'supreme leader' of the Church. Note: This idea of papal supremacy was even rejected by Pope John XXIII at the Council of Constance in 1414, and again by Pope Martin V at the Council of Basel in 1431. VENERATION (HONOUR). Honouring the Virgin Mary as the 'Bearer of God' (Theotokos) and as the Mother of God is an essential part of our Faith. (Third Ecumenical Council, 431 AD) Even the Angels of God greet Mary with great respect and honour: "Rejoice highly favoured one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (Luke 1:28). Honouring the righteous and Saints of God is an essential part of our Faith. (Prov. 10:7, Rev 5:8, 8:3-4). Honouring the Holy Icons is an essential part of our Faith. (Seventh Ecumenical Council, 787 AD, Exodus 26:31, Hebrews 9:5). Note: Icons are honoured or venerated, but not worshipped. Note: St Luke himself (the Evangelist) painted over 70 holy icons, mainly of the Virgin Mary and Christ. Honouring the Holy Cross is an essential part of Christian worship. (Mark 8:34, Gal 6:14, Eph 2:16) Those who do not believe in the Cross cannot be disciples of Christ. (Luke 14:27) MEANING OF LIFE. The whole meaning and purpose of our life, including the Bible, the Law, the Prophets, and all other Old Testament commandments, can be summarised by the Greatest Commandment that Jesus Christ gave us. This Great Commandment is: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-40) "There is no other commandment greater than these."(Mark 12:31). We therefore require both faith (love of God) and good works (love of neighbor) in order to be saved. Faith alone cannot save us. (James 2:14, 17-20) ESCATOLOGY (END TIMES). The First Coming of Jesus Christ was as the Messiah and Saviour of humanity. The Second Coming of Christ will be as the Great Judge of the living and the dead. No one knows the date of the Second Coming of Christ. (Matt 24:36). The Second Coming will be visible in the clouds (Mark 13:26), but Christ will NOT walk on the earth again and will NOT bring in a thousand years of peace. (This is a false teaching of some Protestant groups). The 'thousand years of peace' in the Book of Revelation refers to the period between the First and Second Comings of Christ. It is a metaphorical expression for a period of fullness of time or completion. (2Peter 3:8). The person who appears on earth and pretends to be Christ will in fact be the Antichrist. (1John 2:18). The reign of the Antichrist (beast) on earth will be seven years. The first half of those years will be as a ruler of peace, and the second half will be as a ruler of war. Then the true Jesus Christ will appear in the sky and will destroy the beast and all his followers who accepted his mark. (Rev 19:20). Then Jesus will Judge the living and the dead, and the earth will pass away. (Mark 13:31, Rev 21:1). The Second Coming of Christ marks the end of the earth. From then onwards, we will either exist eternally with Satan or eternally with Christ in the New Jerusalem, depending on how we have been judged. (Matt 25:46).

What are the two Jewish beliefs about the messiah?

The word 'messiah' is the anglicisation of the Hebrew 'moshiach'. The word moshiach translates to 'anointed'. The title of moshiach was given to any person who was appropriately anointed with oil as part of their initiation to their service of HaShem. We have had many moshiachim (pl) in the form of kings, priests, prophets, and judges. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about a moshiach. This being said, there is a prophecy of a future moshiach, however, this is a relatively minor topic in Judaism and the Tanach. The Jewish requirements of hamoshiach are: * Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28) * Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6) * Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) * Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "HaShem will be King over all the world -- on that day, HaShem will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9) * Hamoshiach must be descended on his father's side from King David (Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1) * Hamoshiach will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

What do eastern orthodoxy believe?

This is known as the Nicene Creed. It is a statement of the Orthodox Faith. We believe in one God, God the the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, True God of True God; begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were created.Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and became man; and was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose from the dead, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, in His glory, to judge the living and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. Yes, We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father; who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. We confess one baptism for the remission of sins; and we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming ages. Amen

What is for Jehovah witnesses the most important basic command of the bible thou shall not kill or abstain from blood knowing that refusing a life important transfusion will kill your child?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe all the commands in the Bible. However, Jesus said the MOST important command is to love Jehovah God with your whole heart and your whole soul, and your whole strength, and your whole mind. (See Matthew 22:36-38)Therefore, receiving a blood transfusion would be a serious sin since we are commanded to abstain from blood. (Acts 15:28,29) God says that the life of his creations, both animal and man, is represented by one's blood, not the body itself. To illustrate: If your doctor told you that you must abstain from alcohol or you would die, would you rationalize that it would still be fine to transfuse it into your veins?Jehovah's Witnesses hope to receive everlasting life, so for such parents, allowing one's child to receive a blood transfusion would be a willful sin in the eyes of Jehovah. Knowing that there is something better in store for true Christians, it is not worth committing such a great sin (and one with serious medical risks as well) as accepting a blood transfusion because it would displease Jehovah and bar one's child (as well as they, themselves) from the future life Christians look forward to with no more sickness, no more sadness, no more tears or pain. (Revelation 21:4,5)A transfusion of blood is also simply not worth it because such is not 100% guaranteed clean of all diseases and infections. In addition, with amazing new technology in the medical field today, blood transfusions are not even necessary. There are numerous other methods (far less risky), such as the cell saver system which recycles and cleans the person's own blood, which is then returned to one's body. There are also several types of volume expanders and saline solutions which volumize the fluids in the body until more blood can be self-cultivated; also numerous techniques the surgeon can easily do to minimize blood loss in the first place. (In fact, more and more surgeons today are actually REFUSING to do blood transfusions at all, because years of research have shown that the risks outweigh the benefits!)To do your own research and read about many more alternatives to blood transfusions use google or go to this website: hope this has helped!______________________________________________________________________ANSWER 2: There is not ONE quote in the hole bible who teaches that a follower of Jezus Christ must sacrifice his own child for HIM so if there is only one quote who is really very clear with out any discussion possible and whose the most important quote in the bible to have an eternal peace on earth that it's "thou shall not kill"! the rule to abstain of blood of animals was to protect life from death Since the beginning of the watchtower they have mislead their followers teaching now that a blood transfusion is dangerous is misleading tactic to manipulate the Jehova witnesses to hide the mass of blood guilt they have made it since their prohibition of blood transfusions. Actual research can sink the complete watchtower medical and scientific policy.A very recent medical article linked to the story the tragedy of Emma Gough who let her twin motherless, orphans in the world proves the madness of the watchtower blood policy ( Its a terrible and dramatic error to isolate the blood transfusion polisy of the watchtower from the rest of their teachings. If Jehova witnesses have courage to do some personal research then they will awake they will realie that all the Jehovah witnes from permature born babies, babies, children to adults who are death by refusing vaccinations, transplantations and bloodtransfusions werevictims of indoctrination. Its a real tragedy that actual Jehovawitnesses are unawar of the false prophesies on and on things that would happen, and are unawar of so many other facts. The silent witness from the truth about the truth of the truth is the literature from the watchtower Jehovah witnesses victim though 'IGNORANCE". Millions were disfelowshipped for being not agree with prohibitions but actually yearly die thousands of as consequence of complete madness from prohibition of blood transfusions. A long list of false prophesies written in their literature; the from the truth about the truth. Starting with propesying the beginning from the last days in 1799 and later for 1914, Christ as King for 1878 and later for 1914, resurrection of 144000 for 1878 and later for 1918, judgment of religion and later for 1919, great tribulation for 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925…., and an endless series of insinuations of intermediary dates LET'S HAVE A LOOK AT THE ESCATOLOGY: >>Last days begin in 1799 In "Finished Mystery" page 259 the says: "This is without question a fulfillment of the prophecy testifying to the "time of the end." These physical facts cannot be disputed and are sufficient to convince any reasonable mind that we have been in the "time of the end" since 1799." March 1, 1922 Watchtower: "The indisputable facts, therefore, show that the "time of the end" began in 1799; that the Lord's second presence began in 1874." "Creation," in 1927 has a very detailed explanation as to why they felt 1799 was the beginning of the time of the end. page 298: "Napoleon began the Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it, and then returned t.o France on October 1, 1799. The campaign is briefly, graphically, described in the prophecy, verses 40-44; and being completed in 1799 marks, according to the prophet's own words, the beginning of "the time of the end". page 299 "Twelve hundred and sixty years from 539 brings us to 1799, which is another proof that 1799 marks the beginning of "the time of the end ". page 265 From shortly after 1799, the date of beginning of time of the end", we should expect to find an increase of knowledge, particularly with reference to the Bible. The Harp of God, 1928 ed., pp. 21-32, 259:"... speculate that 1799 marks the beginning of 'the time of the end'....embraces a period from A.D. 1799,... to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan's empire....we have been in 'the time of the end" >>Last days begin in 1914 The Harp of God, 1928 ed., pp. 236, 279-90 "The time of the Lord's second presence dates from the latter part of the period of 'the time of the end'. From 1874 is the time of the Lord's second presence... It was in the year 1874..." >>Christ's return in 1914 Watchtower, 1 January 1950, p. 32 "Did not Jesus say as much when he spoke of his second presence in these 'last days'?...Christ Jesus has been present since 1914 and witness has been given of the signs that prove it, but the veil will not lift from the sightless 'eyes of understanding' of humanity's majority till his power is revealed in Armageddon's fury" Watchtower, 1 November 1950, p. 49 "The thirty-six intervening years since 1914, instead of postponing Armageddon, have only made it nearer than most people think. (Matt. 24:34)" Watchtower, 15 May 1961, p. 56; brackets in original, italics added "The foretold events having begun A.D. 1914, the generation of mankind that is still alive from that year...till now we have seen fulfilled the world-shaking features of the 'sign of [Christ's invisible] presence and of the consummation of the system of things.'...The occurrence of these things since 1914 is within the knowledge of millions of this generation.... We, then, must be this generation that will not pass away till there is fulfilled that 'great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again'" You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, p.154 "Also, the Bible said that all these things would happen upon the generation that was alive in 1914... After drawing attention to the many things that have marked the period from 1914 onward, Jesus said: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things [including the end of this system] occur.' (Matthew 24:34, 14) Which generation did Jesus mean? He meant the generation of people who were living in 1914. Those persons yet remaining of that generation are now very old. However, some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. So of this we can be certain: Shortly now there will be a sudden end to all wickedness and wicked people at Armageddon... Some of the generation living in 1914 will see the end of the system of things and survive it" Watchtower, 15 Aug 1967, p. 26; emphasis added "Where Are We According to God's Timetable?¼ In examining these Scriptural facts, something else also captures our attention. According to Bible chronology, we are already into the wicked 'time of the end.' That time began in the autumn of 1914 C.E., at the termination of the 'appointed times of the nations,' and it is already far advanced. Jesus said that 'this generation' that saw the beginning of this time period in 1914 would also see its end. The generation...many of its members have died. But Jesus showed that there would still be members alive at the time of the passing away of this wicked system of things in both heaven and earth. (Luke 21:32, 33) How much longer will it be, then, before God takes action to destroy the wicked and usher in the blessings of his Kingdom rule? The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, 1958, pp. 94-95 "THE Bible speaks of the time in which we are living as the 'last days' or the 'time of the end.' …The facts show that this is a limited period that has a definite beginning and a definite end. It began in 1914. …there are people still living who were alive in 1914 … 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. This means that only a short time is left before the end comes!"Watchtower, 1 October 1978, p. 31 "Jesus said 'this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Which generation is this, and how long is it?...When it comes to the application in our time, the 'generation' logically would not apply to babies born during World War I. It applies to Christ's followers and others who were able to observe that war and the other things that have occurred in fulfillment of Jesus' composite 'sign.' Some of such persons 'will by no means pass away until' all of what Christ prophesied occurs, including the end of the present wicked system" The Watchtower, October 15, 1980, p. 31 "We can be happy, therefore, for Jesus' assurance that there will be survivors of 'the generation of 1914'-that this generation will not have completely passed away-when the 'great tribulation' rings down the curtain on this wicked world system." Insight on the Scriptures, vol. 1, 1988, pp. 917-918 "When the term 'generation' is used with reference to the people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated, except that the time would fall within reasonable limits. These limits would be determined by the life span of the people of that time or of that population. of age."- Watchtower, 15 May 1984, p.5 "If Jesus used 'generation' in that sense and we apply it to 1914, then the babies of that generation are now 70 years old or older. Some of them 'will by no means pass away until all things occur.' - Luke 21:32" As early as the mid 1960's, the Watchtower had suggested that the 1914 generation would end. They based the 1975 prediction in part on their "year for a day" theory and the "fact" that Adam and Eve were created in the year 4,026 B.C. This anticipation was seen to be "particularly true" because some of those who witnessed the events of 1914 would still be alive in 1975. Thus, the 1914 generation theory helped "prove" the 1975 Armageddon theory. Watchtower, 1 May 1968, pp. 41-43 "To calculate where man is in the stream of time relative to God's seventh day of 7,000 years, we need to determine how long a time has elapsed from the year of Adam and Eve's creation in 4026 B.C.E. From the autumn of that year to the autumn of 1 B.C.E., there would be 4,025 years. From the autumn of 1 B.C.E. to the autumn of 1 C.E. is one year (there was no zero year). From the autumn of 1 C.E. to the autumn of 1967 is a total of 1,966 years. Adding 4,025 and 1 and 1,966, we get 5,992 years from the autumn of 4026 B.C.E. to the autumn of 1967."...The seventh day of the Jewish week, the Sabbath, would well picture the final 1,000- year reign of God's kingdom under Christ.¼ Hence, when Christians note from God's timetable the approaching end of 6,000 years of human history, it fills them with anticipation. Particularly is this true because the great sign of the 'last days' has been in the course of fulfillment since the beginning of the 'time of the end' in 1914.¼Some of the generation that discerned the beginning of the time of the end in 1914 will still be alive on earth to witness the end of this present wicked system of things at the battle of Armageddon.¾Rev. 16:14, 16"8 April 1988, p. 14 "J. A. Bengel states in his New Testament Word Studies: 'The Hebrews... reckon seventy-five years as one generation, and the words, shall not pass away,intimate that the greater part of that generation [of Jesus' day] indeed, but not the whole of it, should have passed away before all should be fulfilled.' This became true by the year 70 C.E. when Jerusalem was destroyed. Likewise today, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year.'Insight very clearly defines the "reasonable limits" for the length of a generation as 70, or in the case of "special mightiness," 80 years. Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1, pp. 917-18 "When the term 'generation' is used with reference to the people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated, except that the time would fall within reasonable limits. These limits would be determined by the life span of the people of that time or of that population¼. Today, much as it was in the time of Moses, people living under favorable conditions may reach 70 or 80 years of age. Moses wrote: 'In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by, and away we fly.' (Ps 90:10) Some few may live longer, but Moses stated the general rule." Finally the Society has abandoned all attempt to meazure the 1914 generation by the life span of its "survivors." According to the latest "light," 1914 still started "the last generation" that will end in Armageddon. But the generation now consists of all "the peoples of earth who see the sign" of Christ's 1914 presence but fail to repent (Watchtower, 1 November 1995, p. 19). This is a "composite" sign made up of many historical events of which virtually all adults alive today would be aware, regardless of when they were born. "Rather than providing a rule for measuring time, the term 'generation' as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics". With such a definition, a "generation" could, functionally, last indefinitely" To maintain a sense of urgency, the Society claims the time period begun in 1914 is "a short period of time". How can they say this after defining "generation" so vaguely? It is short, they say, when "compared with the thousands of years of Satan's rulership". The following composite quotations drawn from throughout their recent article, "" illustrate the Watchtower's current position: Watchtower, 15 Sepember 1995, pp. 17, 19-20: "A Time to Keep Awake" "Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the 'great tribulation' would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However we 'bring a heart of wisdom in' not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation. Is anything to be gained, then, by looking for dates or by speculating about the literal lifetime of a 'generation'? Far from it!... Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, 'this generation' apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways... Does our more precise viewpoint on 'this generation' mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all" The Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1995, p. 17, 19"Jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the 'great tribulation' would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we 'bring a heart of wisdom in,' not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we 'count our days' in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. …Is anything to be gained, then, by looking for dates or by speculating about the literal lifetime of a 'generation'? Far from it!"-The Watchtower, January 15, 2000, pp. 13, 16 "…the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.…Evidently, then, some of Christ's 'chosen ones' will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins." The Watchtower, January 15, 2008, pp. 24-25 "As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day 'generation' of contemporaries that will not pass away 'until all these things occur.' This suggests that some who are Christ's anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins. …Can We Calculate the Length of 'This Generation'? …So when the term 'generation' is used with reference to people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated except that it does have an end and would not be excessively long." >> Christ as king in 1914 Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is At Hand (1889) p. 99 "...we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914" The Time is at Hand, p. 101 "… the battle of the great day of God Almighty… The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress..." Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is at Hand (1889) pp.77, 78 claimed seven things would happen in 1914. The following statements are extracted from that list. Not one of these things occurred; # # "the disintegration of the rule of imperfect men. … at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, "Thy Kingdom come," will begin to assume control, and that it will then shortly be "set up," or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions." # He whose right it is thus to take the dominion will then be present as earth's new Ruler; and not only so, but it will also prove that he will be present for a considerable period before that date; # the last member of the divinely recognized Church of Christ, the "royal priesthood," "the body of Christ," will beglorified with the Head; # Jerusalem shall no longer be trodden down # Israel's blindness will begin to be turned away # the great "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation," will reach its culmination in a world-wide reign of anarchy # It will prove that before that date God's Kingdom, organized in power, will be in the earth and then smite and crush the Gentile image (Dan. 2:34)-and fully consume the power of these kings.">>Religion Utterly Destroyed Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.143 "The seventh trumpet sounds until "the time of trouble," or day of wrath is ended. Hence, it doubtless ends with the times of the Gentiles, and this forty years of conquest; and therefore, sounds until the end of which, Babylon the great, will have fallen, and the "dragon" be bound: that is, the nations will be subdued, and "the prince of this world cast out."" Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come (1891) p.153 "October, 1914, will witness the end of the hold of Babylon (the world empire of false religion), "as a great millstone cast into the sea," destroyed as a system." >>Resurrection dueThree Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.166 "And yet "Jerusalem must be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled;" hence, trodden down until A. D. 1914, when the day of wrath will be passed, and the resurrection and return of the "whole house of Israel" due." The Three Worlds, p. 189.The year 1914 was seen as the final end of the "day of wrath": "...the 'times of the Gentiles,' reach from B.C. 606 to A.D. 1914, or forty years beyond 1874. And the time of trouble, conquest of the nations, and events connected with the day of wrath, have only ample time... for their fulfillment." >> Great Tribulation 1915 Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is At Hand (ed. 1915) P. 242 . "The "Gentile Times" prove that the present governments must lose their hold to the new King, Jesus Christ about the close of 1915"Pastor Russell's Sermons, p. 676 "The present great war in Europe [World War I] is the beginning of the last days of the Scriptures" >> Great Tribulation 1918 Watch Tower, 1 September 1916, p. 265"¼ our eyes of understanding should discern clearly the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty in progress¼ the glorious outcome ¾ Messiah's Kingdom" The Finished Mystery,1917, p. 285 " the year 1918, when God destroys the churches by millions, it shall be that any that escape shall come to to learn the meaning of the downfall of Christianity">> Great Tribulation 1920 The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 258 "The three days in which Pharaoh's host pursued the Israelites into the wilderness represents the three years from 1917 to 1920 at which time all of Pharaoh's messengers will be swallowed up in the sea of anarchy…".." And the mountains were not found. And the mountains were not found. Every kingdom of earth will pass away." In later editions the date was changed. >> Great Tribulation 1925 Watch Tower, 15 September 1922, p. 162 "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel. Viewing the present situation in Europe, one wonders how it will be possible to hold back the explosion much longer; and that even before 1925 the great crisis will be reached and probably passed" Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, p. 97 "…the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 may mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old… it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we may reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die."- >> Great Tribulation 1941 The Watchtower, Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288 "Never was there a more moving sight in these 'last days'.…the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon. What a gift and to so many! The manner of releasing the new book Children was an outright surprise to all…." >> Great Tribulation 1975 The watchtower August 15, 1968 page 499"Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh period of man's existence coincides with the sabbathlike thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each other as to the calendar year, it will not be by mere chance or accident but will be according to Jehovah's loving and timely purposes....It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years."Life everlasting in Freedom of the sons of God 1966 page 29"According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation may end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history may begin in the fall of 1975 C.E." Awake October 8, 1966. p. 14. Page 14."Does this mean that the above evidence positively points to 1975 as the complete end of this system of things? Since the Bible does not specifically state this, no man can say...If the 1970s should see intervention by Jehovah God to bring an end to a corrupt world drifting toward ultimate disintegration, that should surely not surprise us.". Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15"If you are a young person, you may never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end perhaps a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold:'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you may never fulfill any career that this system offers." END WITHIN THIS GENERATION Awake! January 8, 1975 "...the Creator's promise of a new order of lasting peace and true security within our generation." Awake! October 8, 1973, page 19"...the generation alive in 1914, some will see the major fulfilment of Christ Jesus' prophecy..."The Watchtower Oct. 1, 1978, p. 31 "Which generation is this, and how long is it?... "Thus, when it comes to the application in our time, the 'generation' logically would not apply to babies born during World War I. It applies to Christ's followers and others who were able to observe things that have occurred in fulfillment of Jesus' composite 'sign.' Some of such persons 'will by no means pass away until' all of what Christ prophesied occurs, including the end of the present wicked system."The Watchtower July 15, 1984, page 17"What, then, is the 'generation' that 'will by no means pass away until all these things occur"? It does not refer to a period of time, which some have tried to interpret as 30, 40, 70 or even 120 years, but, rather, it refers to people, the people living at the 'beginning of pangs of distress' for this condemned world system. It is the generation of people who saw the catastrophic events that broke forth in connection with World War I from 1914 onward. ...And if the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century, which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. However, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that the 'conclusion of the system of things' is moving fast toward its end. ... there was a generation of people that saw the major historical changes...We can be happy, therefore, for Jesus' assurance that there will be survivors -- that this generation will not have completely passed away -- when the 'great tribulation' rings down the curtain on this wicked world system." -- "Jesus used the word 'generation' many times in different settings and with various meanings. But what did he mean when he spoke of a "generation that would not pass away"? ...a generation is really related to people and events, rather than to a fixed number of years.The Watchtower May 1, 1985Awake! April 8, 1988, pages 4 and 14"a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away" ..."The Hebrews...reckon seventy-five years as one, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. ...Jesus' words will come true, 'this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.' This is yet another reason for believing that Jehovah's thieflike day is imminent." MANY OTHER FACTS THE JEHOVAH WITNESSES NOT KNOW >>"The declaration of facts" as can be read in the Yearbook 1934 p. 127-139: standing for the German political views and against the British -American coalition and the Jews . "The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations." "Instead of being against the principles advocated by the government of Germany, we stand squarely for such principles, and point out that Jehovah God through Christ Jesus will bring about the full realization of these principles and will give to the people peace and prosperity and the greatest desire of every honest heart. " >>The settlement with Bulgaria in 1998 before the European Commission of Human Rights. The watchtower agreed regarding to blood transfusions, that "members should have free choice in the matter for themselves and their children, without any control or sanction on the part of the association" >>Mexico: from 1943 until 1989 the Watchtower presented itself in Mexico as cultural rather than a religious organization, due to Mexico's laws.Authorities identified at least eight victims allegedly abused over the course of nearly a decade. One victim estimated McLean molested her "over 100 times," according to the U.S. Marshals Service. Deputy Marshal Thomas Maranda, who is leading the hunt for the 56-year-old fugitive, says McLean gained the trust of many of his victims through his position as a so-called ministerial servant, in his local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses near San Diego." (NBC News Investigative Unit- updated 5:43 p.m. ET Nov. 21, 2007) The Golden Age 1904 Jan 16 p.250"It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs."- Watchtower Jan 15 1912 -reprints p.963 "It is known that only about three out of every one hundred operated upon for appendicitis really have a diseased appendix needing removal. We give below a simple cure for appendicitis symptoms. The pain in the appendix region is caused by the biting of worms near the junction of the transverse colon with the small intestines, low down on the right side of the abdomen. This remedy is recommended also for typhoid fever, which is also a worm disease. " (Actually, it is now generally recognized that parasites do account for most colon maladies.)The Golden Age 1882 August 17, pp.707-710 THE subject of gravitation is a very interesting one, especially as it relates to attraction between heavenly bodies. "Attraction of Gravitation Not Universal" (Golden Age, No. 314) seems to be well and truthfully thought out. Therefore, Newton's "universal law of gravitation", that "every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely as the squares of their distance apart", is not true. The variableness of the planets in their orbits proves that the "constant attractive force", necessitated by the universal gravitation theory, is based upon a false premise. ... The Golden Age 1932 August 17, pp.707-710 "... electronic energy of the sun makes impingements against the electronic content of our air, and this friction causes light. ... " The Golden Age 1932 August 17, pp.707-710 "The moon, made up of materials something like our earth, has an attraction for the earth, and the supercharge is in the pointed end, which faces the earth, which charge is so heavy that the moon will not rotate, the moon's speed and the centrifugal force of the earth keeping the moon at a respectful distance. The magnetic power of the moon is sufficient to influence not only the earth's air volume, but also the ebb and flow of the mighty tides in our oceans. ..."The Watchtower Reprints 1900 October 1 p.2706 and Zion's Watch Tower 1900 October 1 p. 296-297 '"Parkersburg, W. Va., Sept. 8. It has fallen to the lot of the Rev. William H. Draper, pastor of the Logan Memorial church, of Washington Conference, A.M.E. church, of this town, to give a living affirmative answer to the famous Biblical question, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?" Though once as black as charcoal, the Rev. Mr. Draper is now white. His people say that his color was changed in answer to prayer. Many years ago Draper was employed by a fair-skinned man, and he was often heard to remark that if he could only be white like his employer, he would be happy. While in the white man's service Draper `experienced' religion."-'THE BLOOD DOCTRINE: THE KILLING FIELDS >>The watchtower prohibit primary blood: white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and plasma. They also prohibit whole blood transfusions. And prohibit the giving of blood.Accepting secondary blood fractions is up to own conscience. These secondary are the smaller fractions from the primary blood fractions. The watchtower learn the Jehvah witnesses that the base why these fractions allowed is fact that this small bloodfractions can pass the barrier of the placenta from mother to fetus.The watchtower DON'T LEARN the Jehovah witneses that ALSO the primary bloodfractions can pass the barrier from mother to fetus and vice versa. White blood cells pass this barrier on a naturul way as manner of learning process in the immunity system to protect fetus and mother against rejection a NATURAL LIFE SAVING reaction of the body. Even white blood cells pass the mother with the mother's milk. During the breastfeeding quantities of white blood cells pass with the mother's milk to baby in order to protect the baby on a NATURAL way against disesases and death. When a Jehovahwitness has an acute blood loss during an accident or for example when bearing a child than she will die the child will be born orphan One of typhical examples is Emma Goug tragedy, who after complication during bearing a twin, died after the birth from here twins because husband refused a LIFE IMPORTANT blood transfusion. When there is an critical blood loss then there is ONLY ONE LIFE SAVING solution that is bloodtransfusion. The watchtower learn the Jehovah witneses that that a transfusion is the same as eating blood. They also learn that blood is symbol of life, the result is that the importance of "life themselves" is minor importance then the symbol means: dying for a symbol. To abstain from blood is impossible in the case that Jehovah witnesses are eating meat. Jews eat their meat kosher. During lifetime Jehovah witnesses eat an enormous quanity of blood. The amount of blood they eat with their meat is could to save a premature born baby. Most of premature need a bloodtransfusion. In Vancouver the British Columbia government took three of sextuplets from their parents to give them blood transfusions, before the Jehovah Witnesses could challenge the move in court. In former times the teachings of the watchtower was a real tragedy for the Jehovah witnesses. A brief and necessary overview to understand the blood policy of the watchtower: From 1931 to 1942 the watchtower banned their members from having vaccinations based on their interpretation of the bible.: The Golden Age, 4 Jan. 1931 p.293. "Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood. Vaccination has never saved a human life." The Golden Age, 5 Jan.1929 p. 502 "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion" As a consequence of the rules of the watchtower during this period thousands died are were lifetime handicapped. With his own rules, the watchtower were even a danger for the rest the world. Thousands of Jehovah witnesses were disfelowshiped by the watchtoer because they did not accept their teachings concerning vaccinations.From 1967 to 1970 all transplantations were forbidden because they were cannibalism! The Watchtower, November 15, 1967, p.72 "When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others." Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood, p. 41 "Blood transfusions are organ transplants: " . . . many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood." The Watchtower March 15, 1980, p. 31 "Organ transplants are a matter of conscience, decided by the individual." The Watchtower May 15, 1984, p. 31 Accepting a bone-marrow transplant is up to your conscience. The real background for "a matter of conscience" is to avoid an enormous mass of juridical claims for the thusands of victims they have made with their "teachings". On this way they avoid to be resposible for all the deaths and lifetime handicapped children and adults. In in this cases they let Jehovah witnesses themselves tie the rope around their neck knowing that most of them will feel sense of guilt for accepting a transplantationion. How many thousands are disellowshipped, shunned, lost theirs families and friends for refusing former teachings of the watchtower…"prohibitions" that are nowadays accepted. THIS IS ONLY SMALL TIP OF THE ICEBERG. This is only a very small tip of the iceberg.