

What is eurylochus known for?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is eurylochus known for?
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Who is Eurylochus?

Eurylochus is Odysseus' second in command.

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Why does Eurylochus object to obeying Odysseus?

Why does Odysseus become angry with eurylochus?

Odysseus becomes angry because Eurylochus tries to undermine his leadership. Eurylochus disregards Odysseus in front of the sailors and unsuccessfully tries to mutiny.

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Eurylochus convinces the men that the gods will be appeased if they sacrifice some of the cattle to them.

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Eurylochus was defiant. He attempted to stop Odysseus men from following him to Circes house but Odysseus men decided to follow him and Eurylochus came with because Odysseus yelled at him.

What was Eurylochus a god of?

He's not a god.

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What happens to Eurylochus'smen on the island of Aeaea?

Polites entered Circe's palace and was soon followed by all of Eurylochus' men (except for Eurylochus himself). Circe invited them for dinner and added a magical potion to the meal. Eurylochus' men were then turned into pigs.

Circe homines in regia salutat sed Eurylochus regiam non intrat?

Circe greets the men in the palace, but Eurylochus does not enter the palace.

On Circe's island what happened to Eurylochus?

Eurylochus was given command of 22 men to explore the island, (half of the crew). They meet Circe, and feast at her house. However, Eurylochus being suspicious, does not eat of the food or drink the wine. When the crew members are turned into swine, Eurylochus runs back to the ship to warn Odysseus. Later when Odysseus comes back, and Eurylochus does not want to go back to Circe's palace, Odysseus is angry enough to behead him, but is stopped by the rest of the crew.