

What is evaporation what are the factors affecting it?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is evaporation what are the factors affecting it?
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What are the factors affecting evaporation with examples and explanations too?

your mind,,..stupid

What is an explanation of factors affecting evaporation?

Factors affecting evaporation: - temperature of the material - temperature of the adjacent atmosphere - nature of the material - exposed area to the atmosphere - geometry of the container or piece - pressure of the atmosphere - humidity of the atmosphere - air flowing around the material

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The factors that affect the rate of evaporation of alcohol are the exposed surface area of the alcohol, the temperature of the surroundings, and the other particles that are present in the alcohol. The vapor pressure affects the rate of evaporation of alcohol.

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Factors affecting evaporation are: temperature, pressure, area exposed, stirring, etc.

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Assuming you are referring to a liquid exposed to air, then the factors affecting the evaporation are the temperature, and the air pressure. In a real-life situation, the presence of waves would also increase the evaporation rate.

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Evaporation occurs when water particles become agitated enough that they shift from water state to gaseous state. This phenomenon occurs when water is heated or put under huge amounts of pressure.

What affects evaporation?

Factors Affecting Evaporation :An increase of surface areaAn increase of temperatureA decrease in humidityAn increase in wind speed