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Friction, for example the heating in brake discs and pads when slowing a vehicle

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Q: What is example of mechanical energy changes to heat energy?
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How energy can change?

It changes from one form into another routinely. Electrical energy changes into mechanical energy (and heat) in an electric motor. Light energy changes into electrical energy (and heat) in a solar cell. Chemical energy (in coal for example) is changed into heat energy (when the coal is burned) which can raise steam under pressure to drive a turbine, converting most of the the heat energy to mechanical energy, which then drives a generator to convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but changes from one form to another.

What is Smoke is an example of an?

Smoke is an example of mechanical energy and heat energy. This is because the internal motion of atoms is called heat energy and mechanical energy is energy associated with motion. Smoke contains atoms moving which is both an example of heat and mechanical energy.

What kind of energy do you get from a lawn mower?

Chemical energy changes to heat energy, which changes to mechanical energy.

What are all the energy changes?

There are many different ways that energy changes. For example electrical energy can transform into heat energy, cold energy or light energy. Other energies and their changes can include gravitational, chemical, mechanical and kinetic.

What are all of the energy changes?

There are many different ways that energy changes. For example electrical energy can transform into heat energy, cold energy or light energy. Other energies and their changes can include gravitational, chemical, mechanical and kinetic.

What energy changes take place in the turbine?

heat to mechanical

Is a fossil fuel an example of mechanical energy?

Fossil fuel in itself is simply an example of potential energy, which can be changed to mechanical energy by burning, thus changing from potential energy to heat energy and then to mechanical energy.

Can you convert mechanical energy to heat energy?

Absolutely a simple example is the engine.

What are examples for mechanical heat energy?

As far as I know, there is no such thing as "mechanical heat energy"; there is mechanical energy, and there is heat energy.

When you turn on a electric fan electrical energy changes into which kind of energy?

First changes into magnetic energy that leads to mechanical energy along with some heat energy

What are examples of mechanical energy being transformed into electrical or heat energy?

Any device or process that needs batteries or that needs to be "plugged in" to move is an example of electrical energy being converted into mechanical energy. Some examples: - Starting a car - Running a washer/dryer - A moving fan - Playing a record or CD

When the electric fan is on and revolving what energy changes are shown?

Electric energy to mechanical energy, along with some to heat and sound.