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Excessive self-control refers to a rigid and restrictive approach to regulating one's behavior, emotions, and impulses to an extreme degree. It can lead to feelings of being overly restrained, inhibited, or unable to relax and enjoy life. This may result in a decrease in spontaneity, creativity, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

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Q: What is excessive self control?
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What is excessive self esteem?

Excessive self-esteem, also known as narcissism, is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. People with excessive self-esteem may believe they are superior to others and expect special treatment or recognition without considering the needs or feelings of those around them.

Does having the loss of self control have long term afftects?

Yes, the loss of self-control can have long-term effects on both physical and mental health. Continued poor self-control can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues like obesity and substance abuse. Developing and maintaining self-control through healthy coping mechanisms and lifestyle choices is important for overall well-being.

What are the advantages of self-control?

Self-control helps individuals resist temptation and make better decisions, leading to improved overall well-being and success. It also allows for better focus, increased productivity, and the ability to regulate emotions effectively.

Charestricts of self-control?

Limited willpower: Self-control can be limited as it requires conscious effort and can become depleted after making numerous decisions. Emotional state: Strong emotions like stress, anxiety, or anger can impair self-control, making it harder to resist temptations. Environment: Peer pressure, social influences, and availability of tempting stimuli in the environment can undermine self-control. Habits and routines: Engaging in repetitive behaviors can create automatic responses that override conscious self-control efforts.

What is the difference between self efficacy and self mastery?

Self-efficacy refers to a belief in one's ability to achieve goals, while self-mastery refers to the ability to control one's own behavior and emotions. Self-efficacy focuses on confidence in performing specific tasks, while self-mastery encompasses a broader sense of self-control and resilience. Both concepts are important for personal development and success.

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Anorexia nervosa is charachterized by self starvation and what excessive loss?

excessive muscle loss

What is excessive self esteem?

Excessive self-esteem, also known as narcissism, is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. People with excessive self-esteem may believe they are superior to others and expect special treatment or recognition without considering the needs or feelings of those around them.

How do you get self control?

You control your self and not doing anything bad and copy other people wit good self control

What is meaning of self-control?

Control of one's self; restraint exercised over one's self; self-command.

What does self control?

Self control is control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will.

In what general illness category can bulimia nervosa be placed?

Because bulimia results from an excessive concern with weight control and self-image, and is often accompanied by depression, it is also considered a psychiatric illness.


Self control

Do you need self-control for tai-chi?

Of course you need self control for tai chi. Self control is a very important part of martial arts generally. With self control you are capable to keep your inner peace. The better you can keep self control, the better martial artist you are.

What does self-control mean?

Self control is control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will.

What is self control?

Self control means to fight against your urges e.g. your on a diet and you use self control prevent you eating chocolate or cake...

Anorexia nervous is characterized by self-starvation and excessive loss?

Yes, that is roughly correct. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive exercise done in order to lose weight.

What is intemperance?

temperance is when you control yourself from something you enjoy... it is the ability of self control. Intemperance is a lack of self control