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Q: What is exerted by gases because of the molecular movement?
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What is exerted by gases by molecular movement?


Is molecule movement is greastest a solid?

Molecular movement in a solid is very minimal. Molecular movement in liquids and gases are greater than in a solid.

What is molecular movement phase changes?

Phase change is when a substance changes it's phase to either a solid, liquid, or gas. Solids have the least molecular movement because the molecules are so tightly bonded that they only vibrate. Liquids have the next fastest molecular movement, because the molecules tend to "flow" over each other. They are still bonded, like solids, but just not as tightly. This is why they move faster. Gases, however, have the fastest molecular movement. The molecules "zip" around and move wherever they want. They are not bonded at all. Hope this helps.

Is the pressure exerted by different gases different?

yes because different gases have different mass and they will exert more of less pressure according to their mass

Why do gasses have neigthter a fixed volumn?

Because gases are compressible, meaning their volume depends on the pressure exerted on them.

Why oxygen nitrogen exist in molecular state?

All gases exist in molecular form except noble gases.

Which one of the gases in air would diffuse faster?

Nitrogen gas because it has the smallest molecular mass.............

Why does hydrogen gas diffuses faster than other gases?

The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely related to the molecular weight of that gas. The lighter the gas, the faster it diffuses. Hydrogen is the lightest of all gases having a molecular weight of only 2. Thus it diffuses faster than all others.

Which group in the periodic table contains the least reactive elements?

The noble gases, (e.g. Helium) because they don't react because they have full molecular shells. Hydrogen was replaced from Helium in blimps because of this.

Is Molecule movement is smallest a solid liquid or Gas?

Molecule movement is the smallest in a solid. In a solid, the molecules are closely packed and have limited freedom to move and vibrate. In liquids and gases, the molecules have more space and freedom to move, resulting in greater molecular movement.

True or false Gases with high molecular weights diffuse more slowly than gases with lower molecular weights?

Smaller molecules diffuse readily.

Why are liquids and gases alike?

liquids and gases have almost the same molecular structure which makes the alikw