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Q: What is fear of the unfamiliar?
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Fear of something new or unfamiliar?

The fear of something new or unfamiliar is called neophobia. Neophobia is also referred to as cainotophobia or cainophobia. Neophobia of food is the fear of trying new food.

What is the extreme or irrational fear of anything new or unfamiliar called?

Neophobia- the fear of novelty

What is the fear of clowns also known as?

The fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia. Coulrophobia dates back from the 1980s and the fear originates because of reaction to an unfamiliar face.

Are bears afraid of marijuana?

unfamiliar smell resulting in inhibition of all survival instincts, yea bears fear mj

What is courlrophobia?

courlrophobia is the fear of clowns. According to a psychology professor young children are "very reactive to a familiar body type with an unfamiliar face"

What is a sentence for unfamiliar?

You are unfamiliar to me. Who are you again?

How do you use the word unfamiliar in a sentence?

The word 'unfamiliar' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.I can give you several sentences.That word is unfamiliar to me.I heard an unfamiliar noise.He is unfamiliar to me.

Is there a psychological explanation to homophobia?

One psychological explanation for homophobia is that it could stem from learned attitudes and beliefs from family, society, or culture. Additionally, it may be related to fear or discomfort with things that are different or unfamiliar, combined with prejudice and stereotypes. Personal insecurities and a need to conform to social norms could also play a role in the development of homophobia.

How to use unfamiliar in a sentence?

I'm unfamiliar with that type of dog. I'm unfamiliar with the subject. I'm unfamiliar with the candidates.

Is there a name for fear of getting lost?

Mazeophobia is the fear of being lost. It comes with a feeling of absolute dread when asked to go to a new place or go somewhere unfamiliar alone. Some of the fear can be alleviated by using GPS in the car and on one's cell phone.

Which of these states one of the themes of The Red Room?

Fear can haunt us as effectively as real ghosts.

Should Islam be taught in schools?

All religions should be taught equally in schools, to help dispel some of the fear and myths that unfamiliar religions can hold.