

What is feminine name of deer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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A female deer is called a DOE.

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Q: What is feminine name of deer?
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The feminine of hart (which is a word for a male deer) is a hind (which is a female deer).

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What are feminine deer called?

A male deer is a buck, a female deer is a doe, and a baby deer is a fawn.

What is feminine of doe?

The word doe is a feminine noun for a deer; the masculine is buck.

What is the feminine of doe?

The word doe is a feminine noun for a deer; the masculine is buck.

Is deer feminine gender?

No, a deer can be both, a feminine or a masculine. In English, the word used for a female deer depends on the species or the size of the species of the deer. A female is referred to as a doe while the male deer, a buck. The baby deer is called a fawn. The male deer is also called a hart or stag and the female as a hind.

Masculine and feminine of deer?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a male deer is stag (buck, bull, or hart). The noun for a female deer is a doe (cow, or hind).

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The name "Annee" is feminine.

What is the name of the baby of a deer?

FawnThe baby name for deer is fawn. In some species of deer, including red deer the name for a baby is calf.