

What is flaccidity in plants?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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it is the expanding of the cell walls of the plant cell due to heat

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Q: What is flaccidity in plants?
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What is flaccidity?

Floppy, loose.

What is flaccidity in biology?

flaccidity is when the cell loses water. these cells are easy to distinguish under a microscope because the cell membrane and contents pull away from the cell wall

What are flaccid cells?

If too much water has been lost or not enough water is available, a plant will begin to wilt. When this happens the cells of a plant become flaccid.

What is the meaning of flecidity?

Do you mean flaccidity? Because flecidity isn't a word lol, Flaccidity; adj. 1. Lacking firmness, resilience, or muscle tone. See Synonyms at limp. 2. Lacking vigor or energy: flaccid management. (copyed off google) Also it's like something floppy like when a play doesnt get enough water and the leaves go floppy or, when someone doesn't have really strong muscles :)

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