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Q: What is formed by the deposition of large amounts of sediment into a body of water by a river?
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Can ice carry sediment?

Yes. Glaciers carry large amounts of sediment. When that sediment is deposited it is called glacial till.

Which of the following is a way in which erosion and deposition affect the oceans?

By forcing water into cracks in the rocks at the shoreline. And in Deposition, waves carry large amounts of sand, rock particles and pieces of shell.

What are the Large flat surfaces that sediments settle on?

Large flat surfaces that sediment settles are called deltas. A delta is at the mouth of a river. It is formed when there is so much sediment that the waves and tides can't carry it away.

What material is carried along the river bed?

Mature rivers carry large amounts of sediment along their lengths. This helps to shape the land and produce fertile farm lands.

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How is landslide different from other kinds of erosion or deposition?

A Landslide is a large proportion of mud/rock that gives way under a lot of water/pressure which will literally slide down the face it is based upon. Erosion is only in small amounts, it is not recorded as a large break away at once, or for deposition the same story

What is the process that forms igeouse rocks?

Igneous rock is formed from being under large amounts of pressure and extreme heat.

A structure in the nucleus that is composed of large amounts of DNA?

depending on the phase of the cell cycle it could be a formed chromosome, or the nucleolus which is a large aggregation of DNA and associated proteins.

How is a plateau flattened out?

== Plateaus are formed by various geologic activities, such as immense lava flows, uplifting due to tectonic plate collisions, and sediment plateaus formed from eroded material from mountains.

How is sedimentray rock made?

There are to ways sedimentary rock is formed. One way is compaction; which is when layers of sediment are squished together to form rocks. The latter is cementition: which is when large sediment particles are laid on top of each other meanwhile trapping smaller sediment in between the larger ones thus cementing them together to form rocks

What is found in a deltas?

small and large sediment

Which has more intertia large or small mass amounts?

Large mass amounts.