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Q: What is formed on dry land at the base of a mountain stream?
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Where is an alluvial fan formed on dry land?

at the base of a mountain stream

A stream Valley Land form is the most common result of what?

A stream valley is usually 'V' shaped, formed by erosion from a stream. A glacial valley is usually 'U' shaped, formed by the action of a glacier.

What is the land formed by deposition at the bottom of a mountain?

It is called scree.

What is The land form often formed at the mouth of a heavily silted stream called?

a Delta

How did Alfred wegener think mountain were formed?

Alfred thought that mountain were formed by two continents smashing together with such force that the land was forced up.

How did wegener think mountain formed?

Alfred thought that mountain were formed by two continents smashing together with such force that the land was forced up.he belived they formed when water was high then evaperated

How are the two landforms plateau and mountain formed?

A mountain is formed when two land masses are forced together and they keep on moving upward so over time it creates a mountain.

What are formed after many years where a braided stream used to be?

A dry riverbed is formed after many years where a braided stream used to be. This causes the land to appear carved out and creates large rough areas in the landscape.

What is the rolling land at the base of a mountain?


What is a triangular deposit of sediment formed on dry land where a fast flowing stream flattens and slows?

a Delta

What kind of land form are the Mariana Islands and why?

Mountain because it was formed by convergenting boundaries

Land with a broad base that rises sharply into a peak from the land around it?

A mountain is a land form with a broad base that rises sharply into a peak. It is a large natural elevation of the surface of the Earth.