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Helen Graham

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Q: What is formed when air is cooled to the dew point near the ground?
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A stratus cloud that forms when air is cooled to its dew point near the ground?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it form a stratus cloud?


What is a stratus cloud called when air is cooled to the dew point near the ground?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms stratus clouds?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called what?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it is forms stratus cloud called?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms stratus cloud called?


When air cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called what?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus called?

The moisture in the air condenses and forms fog.

When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called?

The moisture in the air condenses and forms fog.

When air high above the earth' surface is cooled below the dew point is fog likely to form?

Clouds. If that were to happen at or near ground level, you'd have fog.

Why fog form when humidity is high and temperature is low?

When humid air near the ground cools below it's dew point, Fog is formed.