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It is the flu
The influenza virus is known more commonly as the flu, a virus that has symptoms such as runny nose, head and body aches, sneezing, and some digestive problems.

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11y ago

genetic material.Sometime you can find enzymes that viruses use to multiplicate in host cells

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Q: What is found inside a virus?
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Where are the instuctions for making new copis of a virus found?

in the DNA or RNA protected inside the virus.

How many genes are found inside a human influenza virus?

eight genes are present in h1n1 virus

Is the cornona virus bad?

Corona Virus is extremely bad!We all need to stay inside until the vaccine is found.

What has a virus inside of it?

A virus has either DNA or RNA inside the covering called a capsid.

Is a virus a proton?

No. It is a living organism that invades the body. Protons are charged particles that are found inside atoms. They are not at all related.

What type of virus is not active inside of you?

This is called a latent virus.

What are some examples of an email virus?

An email virus is usually found inside of a link that is attatched to an email that may look urgent, or from royalty of a distant country. When these links are opened a virus is then transferred into the computer.

The genetic material of a virus is found in its .?

The genetic material of a virus is found in the capsid.

What must reproduce inside a virus?

Nothing reproduces inside a virus. It has to latch on the a host cell and insert its' DNA or RNA and then make the host cell reproduce virus particles.

What does a virus have to be inside to survive?


Where is the genetic material of the virus located?

The genetic material of a virus is located inside its capsid.

Where is the genetic materials of a virus located?

The genetic material of a virus is located inside its capsid.