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So about a third or Earth's

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How is the acceleration of an object in free-fall related to the acceleration due to gravity?

The acceleration in free fall IS the acceleration due to gravity, since "free fall" is the assumption that no forces other than gravity act on the object.

What is the definition of free fall?

when the acceleration of the freely falling object is equal to the acceleration due to gravity then there occurs free fall.

In free fall do all objects fall with the same acceleration?

yes, objects fall at a rate of 9.8m/swith acceleration. For every second in free fall you must add 9.8m/s to get the acceleration of an object.

What is the rate of acceleration an object encounters in free fall?

acceleration encountered by an object in free fall is 'g' or 9.8 m/s2

Why the acceleration is constant in free fall?

Because there is only gravitatinal acceleration

Weight equals mass X acceleration of free-fall?

No, because acceleration of free fall is gravitational acceleration minus air resistance. Weight does not involve air resistance.

What occurs when objects free fall near the Earths surface constant acceleration?

Yes, exactly. Free fall results in constant acceleration.

How do I find the free-fall acceleration only knowing the variables of distance and initial speed?

Acceleration in free fall is always the acceleration of gravity = 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second2

What is the acceleration of an object in free-fall?

On Earth, a free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second2.

An object in free fall seems to be?

the object in free fall's acceleration depends on its mass

Near earth's surface an objects free fall acceleration increases as its do weight have anything to do with acceleration?

Near earth's surface one object's free-fall acceleration is the same as every other object'sfree-fall acceleration. The number is 9.8 meters (32.1 feet) per second2.Weight, mass, size, volume, density, age, color, or cost have nothing to do with free-fall acceleration.If an object falls with a smaller acceleration, it's only because air has gotten in the way, and the objectis not in 'free' fall.

What occurs when objects free fall near earth's surface?

Constant acceleration