

What is frutose used for?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is frutose used for?
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What is Frutose?

When glucose and frutose join together what do they form?

Sucrose, which is used as table sugar.

A disaccharide made of glucose and frutose?

Yes, it is :)

What kind of molecule is formed when glucose and frutose combine?


Is Australian beers contain fructose?

It depends on what kind of beer you get. Some do have some frutose.

Why is fructose added to taffy?

because if it didnt have frutose in it then it would not be sweet....and who want unsweet taffy

Which category of lichen thallus either stands up or hangs down?

Fruticose lichens (or sometimes frutose).

Is their real sugar in coke soda?

there is not real pour in sugar but there is high frutose corn syrup that turns to sugar that to fat in your body

The -OH and -H ends removed from the glucose and frutose can now be joined to from what familiar compound?

sucrose (table sugar) you also remove the water

Which is an organic molecule water frutose hydrogen sulfide nitrogen gas?

Fructose is the organic molecule. Other two are inorganic gases

What is frutose?

Fructose is a hexose sugar found especially in honey and fruit. It is what gives fruit its sweet taste. Fructose usually bonds to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose.